Can You Travel Without The Body? – Sadhguru Explains

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Sadhguru speaks about the possibility and mechanics behind astral travel, and its importance for a spiritual seeker.

Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.

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Dont let the goverments know they will probably try to privatize astral travel make us get passports charge us and tax us on it ! 🤣🤔


I came here after watching behind her eyes


I can do astral projection and also visited my friends house, just by thinking about him. Next day I told him that you were wearing red burmuda and green tshirt. He was surprised. Everything is energy. We are actually wave form. Any one can do it, just practice when in hypnogogic state


Found this pretty interesting. The fact that he continuously says ITS possible but difficult is all I needed to hear.


I’ve been doing it since 2011. I never asked for it but it happens. I use to be scared until I was able to Ctrl my fly.


I’ve done it a few times, I never see the blue cord that’s supposed to tether me to my body though. I live on the east coast of the US and I’ve traveled to my brother who lives in Scotland by projecting, all you have to do is focus on the person you want to see and like a magnet I was vacuumed across the ocean and through the ceiling of his roof right into his bedroom where he was watching South Park eating a UK cookie brand I never heard of.

I took mental notes of his clothes, what episode he was watching (the hippie episode) his wife petting their cat. Then I woke up and immediately FaceTimed him to see everything that I saw astral projecting was going on in real life, same clothes and same South Park episode and asked what cookies he was eating which freaked him out that I knew.

It’s easy to get a lucid dream mixed up with astral projecting though. If you don’t feel the strong vibration and hear the radio static before exiting the body then it’s just a dream. A easy trick is to attempt it after being awakened too early then letting your body go back to sleep (sleep paralysis) while attempting to keep your conscious focused. So if you normally go to sleep at 11PM and wake up at 7AM set your alarm for 3AM or 4AM and then attempt it. It makes it a lot easier than the meditation route.


Like all ancient religions and knowledge, there's always someone who doesn't want you to actually know how to do it do it properly or they hide the fact that it is possible. Or they might tell you it is possible but next to impossible so you don't even try. Some things might be a hallucination but overall anyone could do it if they put their mind and body to it, don't try to discredit people's work and thoughts and set of mind by trying to convince them that it's not real


5 dimensions of the body.
1. Physical body ( made of food )
2. Mental body ( prevails whole body )
3. Energy body ( prevails whole body )
4. Etheric body ( transitory in nature between physical and non physical )
5. Bliss body ( Purely non physical body )
First 3 bodies are physical in nature .


I strongly disagree with Sadhguru claiming this is all hallucination . He is just regurgitating stuff fromTaittiriya Upanishad concept of multiple body sheaths theory and even then, he is a little mixed up and misinterpret it...He obviously never experimented astral travel by himself . I have seen objects while astral projecting that I had no prior knowledge of that turned out to be at the same place when I checked physically afterwards . You can see something that doesn't belong to the physical plane from the Astral Plane but you can also see things that belong to the physical plane in real time . And also a lot of NDE just proved that fact anyways...So i think Sadhguru might be a little bit full of himself here...(too many layers of concepts might get in the way ...;-)


I don't believe they are hallucinations at all. It's very easy for me to do. I have to intend to have an out of body experience and it happens about 50% of the time after I intend it. I've floated about my body turn and seen my physical body below. I've floated down my street and even to someone's house. I've remember a street sign and days later I confirmed it even though I'd never been down the street before. My favorite are when I float and glide through what looks to be Space and I am flying among the stars. I feel so refreshed everytime I float through space 🌌.


The last time that I astral project nearly two months ago I was flying over a large bridge seeing cars travelling back, and forth I did not see anybody not sure of my whereabouts, which was quite frightening since I am afraid of heights astral projection is real although, some say it is an illusion.🕺🕺🕺


I find it easier to project astrally when I go through sleep paralysis. I get out of my body and see myself asleep as I float. I haven't yet done it willingly.


This is only a theoretical view of what happens. It comes with a price. Every religion speaks of it. You lose alot. You gain more of a peace of mind but you sacrifice everything. It can't be taught. No one can explain it. It's considered a gift from above.

-God's Path-


I had my first travel, maybe two months ago, It done it by itself...I don't know how I did it...but I think it's just what I was born with...when I was younger is when I started getting sleep paralysis maybe at 4-6 I can't remember my age but I do remember, my dreams even the repetitive ones.


Iv finally been able to experience this but after going through sleep paralysis an waking back up then believe it or not i was astral projecting but got spooked that i actually achieved it without even trying. Crazy thing is i was able to get right back to it after i woke back up and wasnt as shook since i understood what was taking place this time but still sketched out but was able to roam around my home which felt so empty but in a good way an i cant even imagine what its be like going outside of my home or even if i can yet. Interesting experience overall. Plan on adventuring more with proper caution again tonight.


Why not write a note to yourself during Astral projection - so when you wake up - you can read it and know it was real?!


Sadguru is a beautiful and slighttmy bigger cage when you go out from your Matrix cage.

Continue exploring, don't trust anybody, including "HappyGuru".

Experience on your own.


YES you can. I've done it. I usually don't because i've never been able to pick a destination I just end up there. Ive picked out places on maps ive never been to or heard of but I went there. I dont do it anymore because it wears me out but I think I still could. On one hand it sounds like a gift on the other I feel I have the rest of eternity to fly around after I die. As im typing this he said "what do you achieve". The answer: nothing. It just confirms to me that there is much more to life than what know of. And thank god as in this existence we are able to be controlled by others. When i'm done here it's on.


He said hallucinations? His knowledge has not reach that far yet


I’ve done it several times starting when I was 14-15 years old. I’m 43 now. It’s happened several times during my adult life. 23 and 30ish. For me the first time I think I made it happen. I was laying in bed at night 11pmish, and my twin brother was in the top bunk. I was laying on my back relaxed. I focused on this high frequency I’ve heard since I can remember. If I do when I’m in a comfortable position and my surroundings are quiet or even birds chirping in the background from an open window in the afternoon. (Middle of day is the best time to do it…) when I focus on the frequency I hear (not from any electronics, I’ve always heard it when I focus…) i feel like I can amplify it and I feel my “consciousness” pushing or pulling out starting at my head. Then it happens so fast. I’ve heard whooshing sounds also that helped me “push” through. Hope this helps.
