'Elites Will Create A New Class Of Slaves' - BlackRock's Next Plans Will Shock You | Whitney Webb

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On this clip of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu, we delve into the unsettling future of economic and social landscapes in the hands of elite organizations like BlackRock. Our guest, investigative journalist and author Whitney Webb, exposes the intricate ties between powerful financial institutions and government policies, particularly highlighting how fear and crisis often lead to decisions lacking in public scrutiny. Webb sheds light on the concept of a neo-feudal society orchestrated by technocrats, reducing the middle class and manipulating public perception through advanced AI and social media tactics. Join us for a thought-provoking conversation as we explore the dark potential of technocracy, the manipulation of economic responses during crises, and the pivotal need for greater public awareness and action.

crisis management, emotional responses, critical thinking, rational thinking, COVID-19, biosecurity, financial crisis, economic activity, purchasing power, government policy, BlackRock, central bankers, Biden administration, economic team, media coverage, fiscal response, history repeating, Democrats, historical precedent, Trump administration, fiscal policy, US Treasury Department, Wall Street, Goldman Sachs, regulatory capture, military industrial complex, war industry, taxpayer money, social media manipulation, artificial intelligence, technocracy
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“I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery” - Thomas Jefferson


We are taxed on the creation of "money". Then we are taxed on devaluation. Then we are taxed on inflation. Then you get your sales and income taxes. Notice the trend? You getting screwed by everyone.


If more people don't start listening to Whitney, a time is coming when she will have to go underground. Her amazing research and insight will be missed - along with our rights and freedoms.


Keep repeating this message over and over never stop. This girl is brilliant


800 military sites in 70 different countries. Yes. It’s a huge problem. Also, why do we not know how the Pentagon is using our money. They haven’t passed an audit yet.


Protect this women, she’s probably putting herself in danger talking about this so openly.


Like the 22 trillion that "went missing" the day before 9/11


Thank you. Tom, I'm glad you are hosting this guest. She has much to share with us all.


Thank you Tom for having Whitney on. You rock!


It’s already here. Rental prices vs wages.


People willingly enslave themselves- seeking comfort in their lives or the desire that everyone does “what they believe” is for the greater good of all.


first thing to do: ALL STATES NEED TO REWRITE THEIR UCC AGREEMENTS SO AS TO PROTECT THEIR CITIZENS' ASSETS. as is written now in the UCC, central banks can take your stocks, pensions, monies and maybe properties--stuff you thought you owned outright, if your financial institution goes insolvent/broke/bankrupt. central banks quietly changed the wording in the UCC in 1994 to benefit them and not the regular person. second thing to do: ALL STATES NEED TO CREATE A STATE-SOVEREIGN BANK AS IT WILL KEEP LOCAL MONEY LOCAL AND OUT OF THE HANDS OF THE CENTRAL BANKS. so far only North Dakota and Tennessee provide this protection for its citizens. BOTTOM LINE: STATES NEED TO START PROTECTING THEIR CITIZENS BECAUSE THEY AREN'T NOW.


Your money gets forcibly removed against your will or face imprisonment via taxes, then spent on things you didn’t approve that directly go against your best interests. Yeah I’d say that’s your money being “stolen”


00:04 During crises, people's emotional responses can prevent rational thinking about policies.
02:10 Black Rock's role in government economic teams needs scrutiny
04:13 Top executives from Goldman Sachs have significant influence in US Treasury, potentially shaping economic policies.
06:20 Regular Americans want to stop their money from being misused and stolen
08:44 Taxpayer money is being used to benefit a corrupt group that has taken control of institutions.
10:49 Congressional representatives may prioritize the interests of the wealthy over regular Americans.
13:03 Elite aiming for a two-tier society without a middle class.
15:19 AI will create a divided society
17:19 Militaries researching how to manipulate people on social media
19:06 Balancing AI efficiency with human autonomy
21:01 Caution against surrendering agency to AI
22:45 Potential danger of intelligence services and data collection
Crafted by Merlin AI.


8 more billion to Ukraine. Nothing for our vets, our hungry, homeless, teachers. I expect this decades ago. In the age of information, I expected Americans wouldnt be so detached from truth seeking, fact checking


7:55 she means like illegal immigrants being given debit cards new iPhones and being put up in expensive hotels while veterans sleep in the ditches, 100 billion dollars sent away to Ukraine to protect their border when that money could have fed clothed and housed every homeless American from the Pacific to the Atlantic or paid for every single high school graduate to go to a local community college to get a 4-year degree or better yet a trade school to learn a trade


Whenever my mind starts to ruminate on what machinations the elite are engaged in, and to what end, I have to remind myself what my kids used to say when they were toddlers, "Stop, Look, and Listen". AI will try to lead you down a path of your own making. When you feel yourself falling in, go outside, breathe in, and remember. They don't want you to remember (Orwell was right), but it is imperative that you do.


How Quick People Fall Into Tyranny Or Slavery When Chaos Erupts.


Dear Tom, many many moons ago I learned who Simon sinek is but forgot your name. Glad to see algorithm picking this video so I can subscribe. Thank you for your work, sir


I don’t understand American culture to keep talking about problems when the problem needs to be taken out . Or else it’s gonna get bigger and bigger . V for vendetta
