Everything You Need To Know About Brexit in Less Than 10 Minutes

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On June 23, 2016, the people of the United Kingdom were asked to vote on a simple question – should the U.K. remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union? More than 17.4 million Britons voted that day to leave, and in doing so, take back control of their own laws, their borders and their foreign policy. This was the largest democratic vote in British history, and a majority of the British people voted to leave the E.U.

Free from the European Union, the U.K. will again have full control over its own future. It will be able to make its own laws and set its own policies on a broad array of issues, such as migration and borders to international trade, and many more. Under the thumb of the E.U., what was best for Britain was not always legally allowed, which was a driving force behind the British people’s choice to leave.

In the Brexit era, the U.K. will be an even closer ally for the United States. Our countries share many values, interests, and challenges, and in the Brexit era, we will be able to work much more closely to tackle them together. In 2020, both nations should swiftly negotiate a new free trade agreement, which would create numerous new jobs and unleash economic prosperity on both sides of the Atlantic. We will also be better able to build a united front against Iran and the regime’s pursuit of nuclear weapons. Together we will lead the charge for a stronger NATO which can push back Russia. The U.S. and the U.K. standing shoulder-to-shoulder in the Brexit era will be good not only for our Special Relationship, but for the cause of freedom around the globe.

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Britain is once again a free, sovereign country. Welcome back our friend.

Look for others to follow suit.


Inflaton, hyperflation or independence, ....Colonialism or Liberation


If Britain is independent it needs its own energy, and currency if sharing currency or energy London and Britain will always be in a loophole as in hyperinflation. One of which Britian or Uk will produce gold and the other with have debt as in credit, giving way to inflation....


Hows this brexit coming along one year later?


This has aged well.

“A superb deal”?

So superb the UK architects want to renege on it before it’s even a year old.


The heritage foundation, when will you show the 2020 economic freedom index?


The EU have and will continue to make it hard for the UK regarding trade


Good for the brits to be sovereign. But they will be in a very bad place economically and trade deals. They are no longer the power they used to be 50 years ago.
