LIVE!! [Static] Shiny Helioptile in Pokémon X after 17095 REs (BQ #3)

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Freaking FINALLY!? Seriously guys, this hunt was crazy. 17k is a lot on one system as it is and these encounters were some of the most tedious ever. I never imagined my Badge Quest would reach such a devastatingly high number, but at least it's over now. Also, I didn't end up with a Hippopotas or Sandile after all those encounters. I would have been soooo mad xD
Thanks so much to everybody who supported me during this hunt, both on Skype and in streams. This hunt took so much out of me and you guys really helped to keep my spirits up! I wanted to hunt this by walking around on the Rhyhorn rather than Sweet-Scenting, and my hard work paid off!
A special thanks to BlushingEevee who wished me luck in her Mareep video!
Thanks so much to everybody who supported me during this hunt, both on Skype and in streams. This hunt took so much out of me and you guys really helped to keep my spirits up! I wanted to hunt this by walking around on the Rhyhorn rather than Sweet-Scenting, and my hard work paid off!
A special thanks to BlushingEevee who wished me luck in her Mareep video!