SPOILER: Why did Six betray Mono? | Little Nightmares 2 explained

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Why does six drop mono? Cigarette duet
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*me in a cage at the maw watching this* Well crap


Just realized something
If it is your first time beating the game, you know mono sits in the chair at the end right? So, when you play the game again and get to the door you open where mono/the thin man is in, is basically the first mono you played as.


I heard that she dropped him because she sees his face. She knows the Thin Man’s face because she gets taken by him into the TV realm, and when Six catches him, he doesn’t have his bag on his head, so she sees the face she saw on the Thin Man, and she dropped him into the abyss, thinking it would kill him and stop the Thin Man from existing.


Quoting Little nightmares developers

- “ To be 100% accurate, there is no such thing as a logical time loop theory. All time loops are fictional by nature, and by trying to apply real-world logic to them, you are only torturing yourself.”

Also the developers:

- “You know what happened to Mono. It continues to happen.”


This is actually true mono falls and finds a chair which he sits on and then years go bye and he becomes the thin man that is why we find him in a room alone in a chair


Mono is the thin man but he's not evil, he just wanted to have a friend and he also have fear of being alone so when six dropped him his nightmare of being alone came true and he wanted to save him self from all of that
He also saw the avil and darkness in six


Even if six didn’t drop him she would’ve ate him right after she saved him anyway because in one of the last scenes it shows six hungry


My theory is that, that’s no longer six, and that shadow six is the real six, that’s why shadow six helped mono in the track, adult mono is the reason why shadow six aka the real six is stuck like that, like possession, either someone is possessing the now six, or she’s just an empty husk of a body, she never got hungry until after she was saved


Apparently to the creators of LN 2, Six dropped Mono because she knew he was attached to Thin Man.


But if you think about it… the time loop it’s only for Mono. Because at the end of Little nightmares 1, Six does escape. The only one that keeps going to the past trying to alter the future is Mono (thin man) because not only can he travel through space, but also through time


No, the real reason she dropped him is because she could see the exact resemblance between Mono and the Thin Man's face, due to them being the same person


I love to think that when you and six escape the hunter and headed to the school via floating door, you see the buildings in the city moving, I like to think that was mono moving them after he beat thin tall man


Didn’t six drop mono for destroying her music box thing even though it was to save her?


I saw someone wearing a Six costume at the zoo, it was cool honestly. Also it’s been 11 months since I’ve heard from this thing, I forgot the comics, the Thin Man, and basically all the theories. Nah, I remember the Theories. Do I?


That’s what I though too but another theory is that six new about her dangerous hunger as seen in little nightmares 1 and didn’t want to hurt mono so dropped him hoping to get over it


if six, saved mono he wouldn’t be safe because you know why because of six after the game is done, that’s when sixes hunger begins and mono would have been eaten so six saved him, but not knowing she caused the time loop


No the reason why six let mono go off to the abyss because she herself was infected by the tower's energy, mono helped her all the way so thats why she didn't want to hurt him. If we got further into the game we see that six was just hungry which makes eat anything she sees, a person for example. She does try to control her burger but she fails miserably.


Thin man was trying to save mono but six kept pulling him out of the tv, basically making sure he can never escape the time loop, six is a backstabber no matter how you look at it and moon/thin man we’re the good guys


fun fact 1: she was using mono to survive
fun fact 2: six haved the hunger problem so she cant control himself


I belive that six also dropped mono because he destroyed the music box that was very important to her. Btw, we could also hear her playing it when mono first found six.
