CodeIgniter 4 API Development Using JWT Authentication | Skillshike | RESTful APIs using JWT

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CodeIgniter 4 API Development Using JWT Authentication | Skillshike | RESTful APIs Development using JWT

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Complete API Development Guide Using Basic Auth, JWT Authentication in CodeIgniter 4.

API development process is very important if you are working with mobile apis, web apis, etc. Inside this course you will learn api development into a great detail. These are things we have covered step by step.

- Basics of CodeIgniter 4.
- Concept of Route, Controller, Migration, Seeders, Filters, Route Group & Namespace.
- Complete concept of authentication types in CodeIgniter 4.
- API Development without using authentication.
- CodeIgniter 4 Basic authentication.
- API development guide with live code session with jwt.
- API development plans while creating application structure.
- About JWT basics and its structure.
- JWT API development tutorials.
- API Error handling by using filters.
- About Response & HTTP Code
- Relationship in API development with JWT
- Difference between API Development in Basic auth & JWT auth
- API Development Configuration.
- JWT package Installation with Complete detail.
- Installation & Configuration of JWT in CodeIgniter 4 application.
- About Filter and their use.
- Process of API and their strategy to development.

Inside this whole tutorial you will cover too many things. After completing this whole course you will surely can handle api development in CodeIgniter 4 framework. This course and it’s video by video plans will help you to build a confidence in yourself to move with api development in php framework.

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I really enjoy your tutorials very clean and precise, enough to learn the basics and get started with ones project.
