Amazon Search Suppression: How To Reactivate Suppressed Listings and NCX Delistings

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Your sales are growing, and life is good until one day, you wake up to a huge drop in sales. A search for your product with keywords you rank well for shows that your product is nowhere on the search results page. Your listings have just been search suppressed…
In the last episode, we spent a lot of time breaking down that nefarious tactic called BuyBox suppression on Amazon that greatly affects product sales.
Today, we talk about search suppression and NCX delisting, which are less severe but still affect your product availability.
You know you have been search suppressed when a product you rank well is nowhere to be found on the search results page. You could be further down the results or even completely delisted due to negative return experiences, which affects your NCX score.
We discuss the 3 main things that can get your listing search suppressed, how to quickly identify when this happens and what to do to get unsuppressed.
Largely, it all boils down to following the rules, terms of service and listening to feedback for your customers once they return your products.
Watch this video to learn more about search suppression, NCX delistings and the simple steps you can take to get your sales back.
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Key Takeaways ⏲
- Intro (00:00)
- Go back to the Amazon fundamentals (01:00)
- How search suppression impacts sales (01:52)
- Why you get search suppressed (05:38)
- Terms that require further certifications (09:31)
- Tools to help you identify search suppressed listings (12:04)
- NCX score and what affects it (13:20)
- How to quickly search suppressed issues and NCX scores (18:58)
- Episode recap (21:53)
Additional Resources:
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#AmazonFBA #Avenue7Media #JasonBoyce