Tom Gross - Danube Dialogues by Danube Institute
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A Danube Dialogues újabb részében John O’Sullivan, a budapesti Danube Institute elnöke beszélgetett Tom Gross brit publicistával, politikai elemzővel és emberjogi aktivistával, akinek legfőbb szakterületét a Közel-Kelet nemzetközi kapcsolatai jelentik. Gross felemlegetett több alkalmat is, amikor a nyugati újságok szörnyű részrehajlását kellett megtapasztalnia. Szerinte a legtöbb baloldali lap bármikor képes kicsavarni a tényeket, vagy akár teljesen kitalált eseményekről tudósítani, ha azzal az érdekeit szolgálhatja.
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In this recent episode of the Danube Dialogues, John O’Sullivan, President of the Budapest-based Danube Institute interviewed Tom Gross, British journalist, political analyst and human rights campaigner specialized in the current affairs of the Middle East. In the interview, Gross recounts a number of instances, when he experienced the terrible biases of western newspapers. According to Gross, most leftist media outlets would happily skew with the facts or even report entirely made-up stories if that would serve their agenda.
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In this recent episode of the Danube Dialogues, John O’Sullivan, President of the Budapest-based Danube Institute interviewed Tom Gross, British journalist, political analyst and human rights campaigner specialized in the current affairs of the Middle East. In the interview, Gross recounts a number of instances, when he experienced the terrible biases of western newspapers. According to Gross, most leftist media outlets would happily skew with the facts or even report entirely made-up stories if that would serve their agenda.