Advent of Code 2022 - Day 7 mit Python

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LiveCoding in Python um das siebte Puzzle zu lösen - bisher mein absolutes Hass-Rätsel.

Eine Menge Zeit verschwende ich damit, um heraus zu finden, dass man in Python die Laufvariable einer for-Schleife in der Schleife selbst nicht manipulieren kann. :(

10:25 Analyse der Daten
14:30 Coding für Teil 1 des Rätsels
1:11:20 Coding für Teil 2 des Rätsels

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Hello. This video was between my recommended ones... I am an University student (Data Science) and I have to make some task in Python.

Two players (White and Black) play the following game: At the beginning there is a string "s" with an even number of characters.
The players alternately (starting with White) take letters from it and form their own chains from them, which have
initially empty. The player who is on his turn can tear off the first or last letter from "s" and add it to
the beginning of its chain. The game ends when the chain runs out. The player who has lexicographically smaller chain at the end wins the game"

Can you help me with it? I can send u a code as well if u want. You can save my life by helping me
