Keep moving, I'm proud of you!

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Look at you, you're still here.
Everyday you get up and you face another day and so far you've made it through 100% of them, even the worst of them
and I just want you to know that I'm proud of you.
I'm proud of you for trying because I know this human experience isn't the easiest. It comes with challenges, it can be hard, but no matter what I believe you can do it and you are doing it.
And I pray you hold on long enough until your storms pass and you've learned to sail the sometimes rough seas of this crazy thing we call life. Because this is the biggest school and the biggest learning experience there is. Life happens and you can't stop it from happening but you can grow and take something positive away from everything. Shift your thoughts from ''it's happening to me'' to ''it's happening for me'', focus on yourself, your healing and your growth. ''Don't quit! You are already in pain, you're already hurt. Get a reward from it'' (Eric Thomas). It's never for nothing and you can do it.
The biggest teachers were once just students. It's okay to make mistakes, it's okay to fail at trying something, whatever you do, just don't give up. Get up and try again instead because the more you try, the more you learn and you will succeed in the end. So many people look at the mountains they're trying to climb and they don't even try to start climbing because it's just too high and the top seems too far away. But nobody said you have to climb this mountain in a day. Climb it at your own pace, climb it for as long as it takes, take as many breaks to rest as you need, but climb.
All I'm really trying to say is that, everything passes, you will be okay and even better than you ever were before, just don't stop trying. Keep moving.
Stop asking yourself ''what if it all goes wrong?'' and start asking yourself ''but what if it all goes right or even better than that?''. Entertain the possibility of a good life for yourself, because you deserve it.

But for now wherever you are on your journey
I just want you to know that I believe in you
and I think you're doing great.
And if all you did today was to get up, than that's enough and you are so strong for doing that.
Keep your head up, life is a blessing and I hope one day you see it too.
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I was crying because i needed to hear this... my parents never tell me this, they always tell me im doing everything wrong.... im glad that the person who made this video is proud..


I just passed 11 months clean and this means the world to me.💕 thank you


I’m so proud of you, your an amazing person for doing this, making people happy, your sk strong and amazing ❤️


If you are reading this now, youre probably dealing with some tough stuff, I understand. Im here right now. This may seem like a stupid broad statement to anyone out there but I am writing this personally, from me to you. As individuals. You are enough. A lot of us don't get told that very often. We work so hard and do so many things to live up to expectations yet we are never told that what we do is enough. Let alone that we are enough on our own. You my friend, are enough. You're more incredible than you could ever imagine.


Hey you, i know you have been through a hard time But look how far you have came :) i’m on your side and i’m proud of you !❤️ Keep going


I have never listened to somebody like this. I am a lonely soul and I don’t want to be blur so I listen your voice every day.
It’s so soothing.
for existing in this cruel world.


To everyone out there who’s sees this, whether your crying, laughing, yelling, or emotionless, I’m so, so, so! Proud of you for getting here: you must’ve been through so much, and I’m here I promise. I may be a stranger but I’m here to make you feel wanted, even if you feel the opposite. If you haven’t heard these words, here they are..
I love you.
I love you.
Your beautiful/handsome and an overall amazing person. You are one of the bravest people I know and deserve the whole world. Your sweet, your kind, no matter what people say. I love you and forever will. And I’ll keep that promise.
🌍 here’s the whole world for you, also you may have dropped this 👑 ❤️

Don’t forget how proud I am of you for getting up this morning. Your loved by someone and don’t forget you have that special person out there waiting for you. Their shoulders bare and ready for you to lean on.


When my mom saw the cuts on my arms my mom said "you're so weak, you can't battle thru depression"


"what if it all goes right?", That is my hope


i've had this on loop for around 49 minutes because we were just searching for a voice clip of someone saying "i'm proud of you" and happened to click on this and it made us sob. we haven't cried in years and this made me bawl for nearly an hour.
thank you. thank you for everything you do and i've shared your video with several people and told them they should share it with others becauze everyone deserves to hear this


I couldn't control my tears hearing these words.... I needed to hear these words so bad... I swear it meant a lot to me... No one I mean not even my parents said once in a lifetime that they r proud of me


Hey, you, yes you. ❤️ 💙

trying as hard as you can
Don't push yourself, take breaks
And I know some things seem like you'll never make it out.
But I think I have some words you'll need to hear.
I love you..
Your doing great..
If you think you accomplished nothing today, count the little things.
You woke up, you didn't want to, but you pushed through it.
You are an amazing person ❤️
Whatever your going through will soon get better, I promise.
I wish you well, have a great day ❤️ 💙 💜 💖 💗


Getting a notification for this while having a breakdown sure was something🖤


I am a survivor of childhood cancer, you think I’d be happy about it right? Now don’t get me wrong at first I was but that’s only because I didn’t realize yet what I’d lost I didn’t realize I’d lost apart of myself somewhere along the way. I lost the kind hearted happy child I used to be and without him I’ve felt lost and alone inside and have been looking through the darkness trying to find him and wonder if he’ll ever forgive me for losing him there. ( I know talking in third person is a weird way to put it but it’s the best way I know to describe how i feel ) I started my fight at 5 years old I and thought I’d won 7 years later after I turned 11 but turned out I’d only won the battle but not the war. For the past 10 years I’ve been wondering why it even had to happen to me, It caused me almost nothing but misery an yet stranger still is I actually miss having it, I miss going to the cancer care clinic, I miss getting my treatments, i miss spending time in the hospital what does that say about me dose it make me weird? There are also times where I just feel frustrated or irritated and I don’t know why, and on the complete other end of the scale one time I felt so low that it quite honestly scared of what I might do. I know my mother, sisters and the rest of my family cares, but sometimes it feels like they care more for the me they want me to be rather than the me I am and that especially goes for my father. Oh my father there’s so much more I could go on about him too and how he played an still plays a role in my depression but he’s a product of his time and environment as am I. So I suppose he’s not entirely to blame but it’s still hard to deal with him. But he and they don’t really understand how I feel even if I tried to tell them about it how could they, they didn’t experience it they way I did. It’s only been the last few years that I fell into my depression or that I’ve come to realize anyway. An I’ve begun to think “I shouldn’t even have survived after all” that way I’d be free of this depressing sadness in my heart. Why I’d I live I’m not good at anything, I have no friends anymore and not even sure I ever really did, I thought I had friends once but because I was different they become more like low level bullies if you know what I mean, and the friends I might have had left I haven’t seen or heard from them in years since I moved. An I’m not the smartest I was never the greatest student, I’m not even that strong, what can I offer the world? I can’t even remember the last time I was genuinely happy sure I’ll get a chuckle now an then but the feeling never lasts it’s like lighting a match in the middle of a dark room an watching the moment burn away. There where so many children who don’t survive and any one of them would have been better off being given the life I was spared. An I doubt I’ll ever find love because of my flawed personality so what is left for me to live for I’ve got nothing left. Also my doctors have told me that my cancer could come back or I could get sick again in other ways, low odds but still I’ll forever live with that in the back of my mind. An it’s not like I WANT to die to end my pain but I also don’t want to keep living like this anymore. It feels like my strength is waning, like my will is weakening as each year passes. There’s so much more I could go on about or have explained better but I’ve gone on long enough I’m not looking for pity just getting it off my chest if only temporary to anyone who wants listen. An sometimes I wish I could start over again correct all my mistakes make better decisions keep friendships, try harder in school even though I’m a bit of slow learner on my own but who knows if this new life would actually be any better than the old one I’d essentially be erasing the current sure Id probably lead a significantly better life in the short run. On the other hand I am who I am today because of what I went through an would it be worth it to throw all that away. Another thing is I’d be hard if not impossible to forget my feelings of the previous incarnation of myself to let go of the hate, loneliness, sadness left inside me. Sure I haven’t had the easiest life thus far but it also hasn’t been the has it, see when I think about it I don’t know where the line is between the telling truth and telling an over exaggeration and is there even a line to begin with? I welcome any thoughts and advice you have to offer me.

An If you’ve read up to this point I thank you for taking the time to listen me ramble an If there is a god I ask again why did this have to happen to me or anyone else for that matter especially for children.

Finally if and that’s a big IF I ever find a partner and am able to be rescued from my darkness with their help or on my own someday, heaven help me should anything like this happen to any child I may have in the future because I honestly don’t know how I’d be able to handle it. This is not the person that I wanted to become. I know my younger self would be greatly disappointed in me.

Here’s a quote to leave off with that kind of explains this Dorothy Rowe- “Depression is a prison where you are both the suffering prisoner and the cruel jailer” an unless you’ve gone through cancer of some kind you probably wouldn’t know what it is truly like but I guess you already knew that out without me having to tell you and I hope you or your loved ones never have to experience such pain. Anyway I’ve started to ramble again my apologize I’ve taken enough of your time this evening thanks again for taking the time to listen to some nobody.

Good night- stranger.


My best friend just told me she is going to move away in a year. She is my save place in this crazy world and imagining not seeing her just hurts so much 🥺😭😭


My sister sent this to me and I’ve stayed clean from drugs and alcohol for 11 months now so this means so much to me and I have forward this to all those whom “I believe “ need to hear it too with love and Respect-Maria


I know you probably will not really see this but I am a 15 year old and um ya know I am studying for my midterms and I came across this video and played it because I was feeling stressed because it was just to much but hearing this made me cry because ever since I was around a younger age I wasn't really good at the subjects I am now today and it's because I always thought positive on the outcome if I just kept trying and trying and I did and many were worried because of the amount of things I would go through but I would continue to move on and keep pushing. So Thank you for uploading today!


I m so far away of You..
And so close..
One day.. I ll be next to You.. i promise!
Till then.. i want You to know.. that i m so proud of You..
From the end of the world.. Always Yours..


If you see this comment, I just want you to know you’ve been like that special person to me that I’ve always wanted. Every time I feel like giving up, when I feel like I’m not strong enough to do anything, I always hear your voice, calling out to me. Your always saying “Don’t give up, I believe in you, even when no one else doesn’t.” Even you don’t notice, but you’ve always been there for me. I feel like even if I push you away, you’ll always come back with words of inspiration for me. When everyone turns their backs on me, you run towards me, with open arms. I always feel your love in your voice. You know, you’ve been like, that little ray of sunshine at the end of my tunnel. That little light that gives me the strength to keep on going, the light that always believes I can do it. Everyday, I feel like I’m facing a challenge alone. But then, just at that moment, I hear you, saying I’m not doing this alone, that your by my side. Thank you for that....


Thank you for making this because all I've ever heard my entire life after doing my best is that I'm not good enough
