A house divided cannot stand!

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Let’s pray 🙏🏾 and get this day underway♥️! 

Good morning, family and friends! 🌞🙏🏾✨ Today's morning devotion with the Lord really resonated with me and is truly RELEVANT today more than ever👏🏾. We read from Mark 3:25, where Jesus tells us, "If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand." In a world where division seems to be the norm—politically, religiously, morally—it's a timely reminder for us all. 🌍💔🔄

Jesus' ministry was ALL about UNITY. He's basically laying it out for us, clear as day: if we're divided, whether it's in our country, our homes, our workplaces, or our RELATIONSHIPS, we're setting ourselves up for failure. 🚫👫🏾🏠 A divided house, a divided community, a divided nation... it just won't stand. 🏠🤝🏾❌

So, what can we do? Jesus is calling us to be agents of UNITY ☮️ . That means forgiving and seeking forgiveness 🤲🏾, avoiding gossip and strife 🕊️, putting aside pride and the desire to always be “right”👐🏾, and striving to UNDERSTAND one another. ❤️ It's not always easy, but it's necessary if we want to prevent the collapse Jesus WARNED us about. And if you are paying attention, I know you see it heading this way!!🙀

Let's make a commitment today to foster unity wherever we go. There are opportunities EVERYWHERE to BRIDGE 🌉 gaps—within our families👨‍👩‍👧‍👦, among friends 🫂 , at work 💼 , and even with strangers 🥸 we meet. If Jesus thought it was crucial to talk about unity, then it should be crucial for us too. Let's make HIS priorities OUR priorities. ✊🏾🌱🌎🔗

Today read Ephesians 4:3 and Colossians 3:13 and let's BE the change we want to see, folks. 💫🌟🙌🏾 #ADoseOfTruth #SideHustleQueen #LetsBreakBread #UnityInDiversity #ForgiveToLive #BridgeBuilders #AgentsOfChange
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