A House Divided Cannot Stand

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\\ ABOUT ME //
I'm Christina, a stay-at-home mom with a deep passion for women's ministry and studying God's Word. When I'm not folding clothes or playing blocks you will find me with my head deep in my Bible or a commentary. Beloved is the fruit of the sweet time I spend with God in prayer and studying His Word.

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A few thoughts on today’s video:

Today’s Video Bible Study was about staying united as the Body of Christ to withstand attack from the enemy.

While I believe division is a tactic from the enemy to attack us, here are a few things to keep in mind while making attempts to maintain unity:

1. Under no circumstances should you stay in an abusive relationship to “keep the peace.” I in no way, nor does the Bible, support or approve abuse for any reason. Unfortunately, after many years in women’s ministry many women have reached out to me about leaving an abusive relationship and my advice is to always leave. God does not want you to be in an abusive relationship. When you are in a situation of abuse, unity can never be achieved by staying in the relationship.

Still, I strongly encourage all believers to connect with a biblically sound local Church. I know some of you have experienced church hurt, making joining a local church much more difficult. Here are some resources that will hopefully be helpful:

3. Though we strive for unity, we still need healthy boundaries. Unity does not mean avoiding conflict by ignoring your needs and only making those around you happy. You cannot fulfill anyone. Only Christ can do that. We are called to follow Christ, do His will, and love others. This will still not be enough for some people and that says more about them than you. Setting healthy boundaries means not taking on responsibilities of other people that are not yours to take.

4. Unity may not always be possible. Romans 12:18 tells us:

If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. - Romans 12:18 ESV

Key words: “If possible”

In cases of abuse, cults, and toxic relationships unity is out of your control and setting boundaries is a necessary act to honor the life, body, and mind God has entrusted to you.

I pray the Lord continue to provide us with strength and discernment in all our relationships and that He is glorified even when it means making hard decisions.




You are a phenomenal woman of God ! Thank you!


If God is for us who can be against us? Such a great video


"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man atv variance against his fa­ther, and the daugh­ter against her moth­er, and the daugh­ter in law against her moth­er in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own house­hold. He that loveth fa­ther or moth­er more than me is not wor­thy of me: and he that loveth son or daugh­ter more than me is not wor­thy of me. And he that taketh not his cross, and fol­loweth af­ter me, is not wor­thy of me." (Matthew 10:34-38).
What do these scriptures mean? I understand what you are saying, we DO need other believers; HOWEVER, finding TRUE believers is like finding a needle in a haystack. My WORST EXPERIENCES have been by other Christians (modern-day pharisees) who held me by their personal standards instead of standards written in scripture. When I would tell them I would pray about it, they would try to discourage me from it and force me to see things their way (as if they were the only ones with a relationship with God and nobody else does). Also, they humiliated me instead of leading me to Jesus, telling me I need to be like so and so instead of telling me where I am wrong, why I am wrong according to scripture, and telling me to go to Jesus (giving me hope). What's surprising is that they didn't even follow their own advice, doing to me what they told me not to do. Actually, many times, what they told me was contrary to scripture and when I went to God after, God revealed to me something different. Sometimes, we may have to walk alone until we come across TRUE believers (better said, until Jesus brings TRUE believers our way).
In what we call church today is full of false converts, believers who only have religion and NOT a relationship with God (having a form of godliness and denying the power whom God tells us to turn away from). Evil communication (bad company) CAN corrupt good morals. I have run across many pharisees and don't want to become one myself. Yes, I am VERY OPEN to having other brothers and sisters in Christ, BUT those whose standards are according to the scripture instead of according to their personal standards.
For example, when I was staying at the house of a couple of friends, they asked if I am reading the church materials. I said no because I was just reading the Bible. They first of all asked me why (like I owed them an explanation) and then gave me a 30-minute lecture that as part of the religion, I AM OBLIGATED TO LIVE BY THE CHURCH MANUAL just like I am obligated to live by traffic rules on the road, etc. First of all, a church manual is WRITTEN BY MAN AND NOT BY GOD. Also, in this religion, they say I am supposed to read the prophet or else I won't grow in Christ. Those are standards OUTSIDE OF SCRIPTURE and even Paul himself said to not to think of men above which is written (1 Corinthians 4:6) and John said to not add to scripture (Revelation 22:18). They even were trying to tell me and condemn me when I bowed my head instead of getting on my knees when I was in closing prayer with them. They asked why (as if I owed them an explanation for my personal relationship with God) gave me another lecture on why I should get on my knees. Yes, I TOTALLY understand that yes, we SHOULD get on our knees; HOWEVER, God looks at our internal attitude more than our external position. The attitude that these sisters had was like you have to worship God like me or else you are not saved and that IS THE WRONG ATTITUDE TO HAVE. And when they asked why, it was NOT out of concern BUT out of arrogance (their voice tone and spirit told it all). The word "REPENT" did NOT come out of their mouth nor did they say you need to ask the Lord to cleanse you, they did NOT "condemn" me for sin but my prayer and Bible study habits since they did not meet their standards. UNACCEPTABLE!! You see what I mean?
For right now, I go solo until I find someone who is a TRUE FOLLOWER of Jesus and not one who is a mere follower of religion. We are the church, NOT the building we go to every Saturday or Sunday. The body of Christ is unified in Spirit. True followers of Jesus are dispersed in many different parts of the world.


Thank u so much... is there no questions today?


I'm very confused by this verse. I. Standing for my marriage to a unbeliever who I thought was saved 13 yrs ago when we married. I'm light of other scriptures do you think the Lord is saying there's no way to stay in a marriage to a unbeliever? I mean it says it cannot stamd. I will say I know there is two different kingdoms at work here. The Lord's and the enemies. My husband is in deep darkness.
