6 Proven Rhythmic Formulas For KILLER Basslines: Basslines From Scratch 3/9

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When it comes to writing your own basslines, sometimes the notes are pretty much taken care of, right?
It’s common for bass players to be given a chord chart or a lyric sheet that basically tells them what notes are going to work the best.
Now this is great if you’re not sure which are the ‘right’ notes to play. You can just play the roots from the chart. But what about the other critical part of the bassline?
The rhythm?!
A lot of bass players get stumped when it comes to creating a strong rhythmic idea. You can know all the chords, scales and arpeggios in the world, but if you can’t come up with a compelling rhythmic ‘core’ for your bassline, it will end up being a bit ‘limp’.
That’s why in this 3rd instalment of Basslines From Scratch, you’ll be learning 5 rhythmic formulas that you can directly apply to your next bassline.
If you’ve ever struggled with knowing what rhythms will work in your basslines, then I’m sure you’re going to LOVE this lesson and these rhythmic ideas.
You can treat all of these rhythmic formulas as starting points or ‘jumping off’ points. You can play around with them, modify them, combine them. You may even start off using one of the formulas and it might prompt you to go in a completely different direction with your line.
And that’s great!
You’ll even notice that all the examples from this video didn’t always rigidly stick to their rhythmic formulas the whole time. There’s quite a bit of variation in some of them, but the core rhythm remains steady.
You can do the exact same thing with your own basslines. Have a ‘core’ rhythm that you use, but then play around with it however you like.
Now if you want to make every bassline that you create the best it can possibly be, make sure you download the Basslines From Scratch Checklist. Just go to this page:
Fill out the form and I’ll send it to you 100% free - along with all the tabs, notation and practice tracks for all of the lessons in this series.
If you have any questions about anything from the lesson, just let me know! Drop me a comment and I’d be happy to help however I can.
Good luck with the lesson and happy bassline making!
P.P.S. Here’s the link to download the Basslines From Scratch Checklist: