FOSS4G 2021 - Introduction to Big Data Storage with LocationTech GeoMesa

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Many of the Apache projects serving the big data space do not come with out of the box support for geospatial data types like points, lines, and polygons. LocationTech GeoMesa has provided add-on support to Apache database projects such as Accumulo, Cassandra, HBase, and Redis crafting spatial and spatio-temporal keys. In addition to distributed databases, GeoMesa has enables spatial storage in many of the popular Apache file format projects such as Arrow, Avro, Orc, and Parquet. This talk will review the basics of big geo data persistence either in a data lake or in a database, and provide an overview of the benefits (and limitations) of each technology.

Many of the Apache projects serving the big data space do not come with out of the box support for geospatial data types like points, lines, and polygons. LocationTech GeoMesa has provided add-on support to Apache database projects such as Accumulo, Cassandra, HBase, and Redis crafting spatial and spatio-temporal keys. In addition to distributed databases, GeoMesa has enables spatial storage in many of the popular Apache file format projects such as Arrow, Avro, Orc, and Parquet. This talk will review the basics of big geo data persistence either in a data lake or in a database, and provide an overview of the benefits (and limitations) of each technology.

Authors and Affiliations –
Jim Hughes, CCRi

Track –

Topic –
Data collection, data sharing, data science, open data, big data, data exploitation platforms

Level –
2 - Basic. General basic knowledge is required.

Language of the Presentation –
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