Why I Stopped Playing Season of Discovery (Pre-Phase 4)

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Why I stopped playing Season of Discovery. Let's be real, Season of Discovery was a huge hit when Blizzard first released it. It was a fresh and new take on World of Warcraft, bringing a whole new life to the world of Azeroth. After a while though, things started to bug me. Am I wrong or did this game mode just not feel the same after Phase 1? In this video, I am sharing my personal reasons why I stopped playing Season of Discovery. All opinions are my own.

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This video actually was meant to come out a week ago, but I kinda fell behind with it. Now that Phase 4 is out, I certainly am going to check it out, but this video is more to answer the question why I personally stopped playing SoD so much during P2 and P3. Also, hopefully it answers the question as to why I haven't been making SoD content so much recently; I've seen many comments asking as to why. Anyway, enjoy everybody!

Also, a big thanks to the Channel Members for making the content possible. You guys are awesome.


People took it WAY too seriously. The tryhards ruined what was a really fun time


Min maxing has damaged the health of the game so much that the only fun thing about wow is roleplaying with friends or solo challenges, because having to have an exhausting list of requirements for other sweaty players to let you raid is what is killing the game.


1. I lost my steam because we were trashing gear way to fast.
2. Most spells were just reused stuff from retail
3. The world content was just meaningless after each phase

It was just like playing retail with a classic skin.


Phase 2 onward everyone got super tryhardy (worse than even classic era) and it felt impossible to get into any groups for anything...


That’s what did it for me, the constant gear checks to raid.


Complaining that people are rushing through the content and asking what’s the fastest way to do stuff yet the video sponsor is Zygor, the guide to do just that, was hilarious. Anyone else catch the irony of that? Lol.


I had fun in Phase 1, but felt like i was going through the motions, towards the end. Once I hit lv 25, I couldn't get into any groups for raids, because the player base is toxic af, and unless you beat the raid already, you couldn't get into the raid, so I just gave up, and started playing FF14. Best decision I ever made btw


Blizzard seems to think the classic community wants to rush quickly to the end game. But we love levelling


SoD was a good idea but in practice its a mess
I remember i tried to hop back in at phase 3 with my friend, and I didnt want to do nightmare incursions and my friend did, so my friend did incursions for 13 hours one night and he was lvl 50 with 500g and I was still lvl 23 rubbing coppers, realizing incursions were the best I tried to do them and they were the worst kind of gameplay i've ever seen in an mmo
So I never got to play with my friend because I didnt want to play incursions
Runes were supposed to be discovered and fun to get, now if i dont look it up on wowhead and find it I cant play the game
Cant get into raids because everyone is sweating super hard in the easiest version of wow
I think whoever came up with the idea of incursions shouldnt work on video games


My problem with SoD is.
Past Phase 1 the whole "Discovery" part of this season was gone. There were no new runes to collect no new quests to explore.
And more and more it started becoming more.... Retailified. Like the folks at Blizzard they just can't help it but to put people on a conveyor belt to raid.
Vanilla WoW. Hardcore WoW what I like about this game. It's the leveling it always has been. Doing raids at the end is just something fun to do after. I love the WORLD of Warcraft.


I stopped playing during phase 3. Everyone was leveling up through incursions and that was way too boring for me. The group I played with wanted to hit max level fast and I just wanted to explore and take my time. The thing about WoW is that they create and bring in systems then after a while they leave them out to dry. Happens in almost every expansion and we saw that in SOD. After phase 1, it was hard to find a group for BFD and the Ashenvale event was pointless. I really enjoyed phase 1. Probably the best time I have had playing WoW since TBC classic.


So in short, you stopped playing for the same reason people stopped when Classic first dropped. The community is ass and way too try hard.


I stopped playing SOD when phase 3 dropped. It completely ruined the game mode.


Scaled content does not belong in Classic WoW. Just because content is fully progressed and outdated, doesn’t mean there aren’t alts and new players joining late that want to play the content at level.


People are so toxic I cant believe it. Either people are helpful or super toxic. If you dont perform people will drop you from group or trash you in chat. It completely ruined the game for me. I just quit the game. I think im done with WoW for good. Everything comes to an end.


I quit because after clearing literally every raid from ICC to Amirdrassil with even a couple of CE achievements over the years, and farming pre-bis, I had a helluva a time getting invited to raids. I was barely able to get into a couple of BFD runs (where we 1 shot every boss). After that I didn't even try to find a Gnomer group. It's too much work to prove yourself for raids basically equivalent to LFR difficulty. It's been said before, but it's like trying to get a job that won't hire you without at least 2 years experience, but the only way to get the xp is if you were hired. I have 15 years xp, that's the sad part.


"Grrrr, min-maxers ruined SoD!
So, anyway guys, here's Zigor, this addon that tells you the best leveling routes and other guides!"


MARRIAGE?! Congratulations on settling your Hearthstone to a home my dude! I’m stoked for you!


I quit mainly due to two reasons:
1) 10-Man content was nuked, and while I understand it's not 'Classic', it certainly suited my friend group and I
2) Content took way too long to come out, you bang out max level from P2-P3 in about 2 days, and then you gotta wait months for new-ish content.

P1 Was PEAK though. My god, that was so fun.
