BALLET FAILS! pointe shoe fitter reacts

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tfw u rehearse the whole year for a 2 minute piece and the floor becomes ur best friend :-,)

thank you and shout out to @BiscuitBallerina for these compilations! biscuits forever!

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Produced, Filmed & Edited by: Jazley Faith @jazzleyfaith @jazleyfaithphoto
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I love the little girls all copying their teacher, probably just like she told them to do. "Do what I do." 😅


My studio had a tradition where everyone would applaud for someone who fell. It sounds sort of humiliating to draw attention to the person that way, but it wasn't. I can't remember exactly how the intent of it was taught, but basically it was a show of applauding the effort of the dancer to go all in and fumble rather than holding back and playing it safe. Again, it sounds like it would be mortifying but somehow it felt like a super supportive practice.


I didn't do ballet but I was a Highland and Irish dancer! I did competitive highland dance, and let me tell you the number of sketchy (read slick) stages I had to compete on was just ridiculous. I absolutely sprained my ankle on stage so many times and just had to dance through it (especially if it happened during the Highland Reel, since that is a four person dance and if one person stops dancing it ruins everything for the other dancers). I feel like falling or twisting your ankle and just getting back up is one of those universal dancer things.


Omg the baby ballerina's falling down when the teacher did was too stinking adorable. I literally kept replaying it to see the cuteness.


the children throwing themselves onto the floor when their teacher falls at 3:44 😂😂


One of my best fails was when we were doing Don Quixote and during a trio choreo, I accidentally threw my fan across the stage. I’m so glad my friend got it on video because I can laugh at it even years after 😂


was in snow rehearsal the other day and someone fell, they were fine but one of the girls said "The sooner you get up the sooner you didn't fall." I think about this every night and it makes me laugh.


As a born klutz, it’s refreshing to see elegant swans having the occasional oopsy. I’m so terribly sorry.


At my daughter’s first YAGP competition, nearly every single performer was slipping on the stage, even the grand roux winner. I was sitting in the audience nearly sick with worry that my daughter would fall. However, no one from her studio fell because their teacher pointed out the slippery spots to them before they went on stage (which I didn’t know until afterwards). I cannot tell you how relieved I was when her solo was over.


"We're not allowing anyone to use rosin anymore because we need to protect the floors."

So... umm... who is going to protect me? Because I promise you, it ain't the floors!


Omgosh all the little girls falling when their teacher fell, so stinking cute! 😍 ❤ As Josephine once said, "I has feels" ❤❤❤❤


I love the positive attitude and the kudos for the perseverance of the dancers. you are so supportive and sweet and honest about the needed athleticism AND the fact that we all stumble. I love it.


I wanna see Josephine when she did ballet, i bet she was really good😋🤭 Love the video btw


Love the teacher one! She just grabbed that little one to be sure she didn’t squish her.


The whole time I’m reacting just as hard and my cat is convinced I’m broken 😂😂😂


You know, the get up and recover is totally true as a principle and admirable. That being said, I think there's something just really fun and precious about rehearsal spaces where you can just flop, and do a sarcastic "I totally meant to do that" silly pose on the floor and sigh. Like something about the "well that happened" face to me is something I treasure. Because the laughing at it is private to the rehearsals and the people you're collaborating with. It's a fun memory that makes it to the final performance that only all the performers know about.


During our performance run in my high school drama group, one of the actors had to make a small jump into a cauldron at the end of the play. He did it so many times, over and over and over and was totally fine...
On our judged performance and the last time we would ever do the play, he messed up. Broke his ankle when he landed in the cauldron, and the guy managed to just sit there in utter agony curled up in the fetal position while everyone else finished out the play around him. We didn't even know he was hurt til the curtain went down and he shouted for someone to call an ambulance.


My only accident on stage (SO lucky!) wasn't a fall. It was a modern piece, and there was this section where we were kinda hunched over in an upper back contraction that had us looking at the floor, all in a close fit line, swaying side to side while our right arms swung out repeatedly. (You can probably see where this is going.) The girl to my left whacked me in the nose so hard, blood immediately started pouring down my face. I could feel that my lower face was covered. The next section involved all this repeatedly running up to each other to partner with someone new, and every time my partner would flinch in surprise for a split second. I could guess it was pretty bad. 😂 But I kept going, as you do.

I was told you couldn't tell from the audience, which was REALLY good to hear. Cleaning up before my next piece was interesting and involved multiple dancers trying to help while my "assailant" apologized over and over. I think she felt worse than I hurt.


The last time I performed one of my solos in high school, I decided to give it a bit extra, went too high on my grand jete en tournant, and pretty much belly-flopped. It felt like I laid on the floor for an eternity, but when I rewatched the video, I just popped right back up! I skipped a bit of the choreo and jumped right into the fouettes and, because I was musically early, I had to throw in a few extra. Our wonderful audience of family and friends gave a round of applause when I was done my turns :)


I took 2 semesters of ballet in college. I was, according to the instructor, one of the better dancers because I used to be a gymnast. So, of course, we're about to do a full saut de chat across the floor for the first time and she's like, "Austin, you go first! Show the ladies how it's done!"

I overextended during the jump and ate it on the landing. I was fine, gymnasts know how to minimize damage from falls. I couldn't help but burst out laughing. The class was all, "Didn't you say you could flips and stuff!"

Me: "It's not the same!"
