Python NumPy For Your Grandma - 3.10 Challenge: Psycho Parent

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In this video, you're challenged to insert 20 random values into random, non-repeating locations of a 10x10 array.

0:00 - intro / setup
0:32 - solution

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So far so good. I couldn't figure this one out but did the previous 2 challenges. And interesting twist to the professor challenge is if he was a psychopath too, and picked the students randomly.


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OK, this was challenging. Pretty fun!


If I understand correctly, every function has literally unique rules for example we changed the exact value of the field with ' field.ravel()[locs] = vals ' but the dimension did not change. But also we have general rules for them for example if I do not use [ ] after sth.ravel() or sth.nonzero(), my result is going to be a tuple and if I use it, it is going to be an array. Could you please also make a video about the general rules of the functions as I mentioned or where can I find these rules, if there are.
