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The momentum behind RISC-V ecosystem is really commendable and its open nature has a large role in its growth. It allowed contributions from both academic and industry community leading to an unprecedented number of hardware designs proposals in a very short span of time. Soon, a wider variety of RISC-V based hardware boards and extensions
will be available, allowing a larger choice of applications not limited to embedded micro-controllers. RISC-V software ecosystem also need to grow across the stack so that RISC-V can be a true alternative to existing ISA. Linux kernel support holds the key in this.

The primary objective of the RISC-V track at Plumbers to initiate a community wide discussion about the design problems/ideas for different Linux kernel features implemented or to be implemented. We believe that this will also result in significant increase in active developer participation in code review/patch submissions which will definitely lead to a better & stable kernel for RISC-V.
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