Complete Engine Maintenance + Tips - Allett Kensington 20H - Honda GX120 ☀️ (S2E9)

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In this episode I cover almost every engine maintenance listed in the Honda GX120 manual. Everything is covered from oil maintenance to cleaning out the sediment cap. I also throw in a few tips, as well.

00:00 | Introduction
00:19 | Sunny Splash
00:29 | Gather Supplies & Prep
02:04 | Oil Change - Honda GX120
16:35 | Quick Tip #1
16:54 | Quick Tip #2
17:14 | Quick Tip #3
17:44 | Air Filter (Remove & Clean)
19:48 | Sediment Cup
21:28 | Spark Arrestor
21:54 | Air Filter (Re-Install)
23:05 | Spark Plug
24:20 | Air Filter (Pre-Filter)
25:40 | Quick Tip #4
26:00 | Quick Tip #5
26:40 | Wash Mower
27:19 | Recap

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Song: DayFox - Open Range
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.

Song: DayFox - Jungle
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.

Song: DayFox - Sun Lovers
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.

Song: DayFox - Kyte High
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.

Hope you enjoyed: Complete Engine Maintenance + Tips - Allett Kensington 20H - Honda GX120 (S2E9)
Рекомендации по теме

So glad you made this video. I’ve needed to do some maintenance on my Allett and I used your video step by step. 👍🏼


just saw this pop on my feed, cant watch now, im book marking it for when i get back, this is going to be super helpful for me!


I always love maintenance videos, if you keep this up regularly these Honda’s will last a life time!


Superb video, only hope the end of the new oil hose doesnt abrade the paintwork!


Outstanding video thank you sir this was very helpful!


Great info sunny 👍easy how to make your equipment last longer Great video !!!! Thanks


Great technique and tips man. Handling it like a pro. How often do you plan on changing the oil? Supposedly these motors don't ever need an oil change, just monitoring of levels. You're running yours a lot longer and harder than I am mine, so it may vary from user to user. Great video bud!


I took your tip and used the same product to condition my belts and it turned into a disaster. It made the belts so tacky and grippy that when the mower was idling the belts were grabbing the motor pull and engaging the reel, I tried several adjustments of the cable tension and could not get it to stop. I eventually painstakingly cleaned the belts and pully's and was able to get it to mostly recover back to normal but I'm still getting a very slow reel turn when the reel should not be engaged.


Super video. Especially that I got my 20 h around the same time as yours and this is more then helpfull. Just wondering if you do greasing on the kensington as well if there is any. Was thinking about the drive drums if they need any maintenance? Thanks and again " top notch "


I knew things were getting serious when you broke out the toothpicks. Lol! Great video. I need to invest in the oil drain tube!


Have you ever tried one of the hand help pumps to pull the oil out? They work good and keeps everything clean.


My Kensington has a Briggs so I ordered from your link there. It’s not a 3/8. It’s a 10mm. So I have a 3/8 if anyone wants to buy one. Lol


Sunny how many Reel mowers do you have??


Mr sunny do you know how to fix the turtle /rabbit function ? The line doesn’t seem to work and I have to adjust the engine manually!


Hey Sunny thank you for this video, by far the best one I've seen on this engine, i have a question, i did the oil change on the cali trimmer, same engine, and now the mower won't start, it was done correctly, do you have any ideas what the problem could be?


Hi Sunny, what type of grease do you use in the zerk fittings?
