How I Found Peace in the Last Year

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When a creator finds inner peace I can tell they really have by the quality of their videos, as they stop worrying about what other people perceive of them


The cinematography, the words, the philosophy. I came for the finance guy, i stayed for the personality, I got inspired by the philosophy and mentality inspired in this channel. Well done Stephen, well done.


I feel like this is a rare case where a creator does a complete 180 with their content but it worked completely. The quality is seriously crazy, these videos are going to pop off just keep going!

I remember when I 1st discovered your channel, I felt like I finally found a creator that was on the same financial path as I was. Little did I know, this video brought me back to reality and made me realize that all I we ever wanted was one thing, peace of mind. A teacher earns his title once he realizes he will never stop being a student. Thank you for this Stephen!


Your videos continue to move me Stephen. Everything you say resonates with me so well. Im a 30 year old single dad with two young kids. Financial security has been something I've been aggressively working towards for about 4 years. My efforts have paid off, but the constant pursuit of it has detached me from my sense of self. Thank you for giving me something to think about and ideas to strive towards.


Feel you 100%. I'm in the finance niche as well but personally don't see myself as a "finance guy." I could care less about the money, it's all about what it brings: freedom. Freedom to live a fulfilling life, which for me, is one where I can create art and experience meaningful moments. Inspiring work my man!


Thank you Stephen for your humble reflections and quest for more authentic creativity. You may not wish to be considered a teacher but I’ve learned a lot from you and imagine I will continue to.

I never saw you as a “finance” guy but really appreciated the temporary deviation to it now and then. Though I see where your heart is, our best work comes from there.

Thanks for creating and sharing your journey.


I was watching a recent video on OCD put out by Dr. K on HealthyGamerGG, and this video makes me think about how we develop strange behaviours to alleviate mental discomfort. I've been trying to remind myself that having a goal is good, but the journey towards that goal can't be all sacrifice and struggle and shame for failing.

One of the few pieces of advice my dad gave me that really stuck was in reference to his work but i've come to apply more and more to life in general. "theres only so much you a human can do in a day. if thats not good enough than, whatever. let them fire me i don't care." Trying to force something to happen so hard that life becomes a chore filled with toxicity is no way to live. Hell, i could go to sleep tonight and never wake up i don't know.

Be kind to your future self while living your best life. thats what i want


I love the turn this channel has made! Came for the finance, stayed for the art.


I’m a 54 year old anxious mess Who would know I’d find you today? My heart rate dropped and sense of calm just came over me. It’s wonderful. All the best.


I absolutely love your videos, the music, the cinematography, the colouring and editing and narration. They’re beautiful short films, capturing your life one moment at a time, autobiographical

I hope one day you make a short film, written, produced and directed by you


As a creator, I've always lived by the philosophy that talent pleases itself. Maybe wisdom does that, too. Amazing video, Stephen. Thank you.


Watching incredible cinematography of my own home (Dolomites), in this way, makes my heart full ❤️. I came for the story, but I stayed for everything! Thank you stephen, you are the best!


Love your visuals brother. I've been a professional photographer in Toronto for over 15yrs and have definitely felt stifled at times. Just watching this made me inspired to get out and shoot more for fun. Insane colour correction as well. Keep it up.


Beautiful work man! Love the super 8 footage! About to get some double 8 footage back from a trip my wife and I took to NYC. There is something just wonderfully nostalgic about motion picture film and whatever you're doing for your color grading. Love the look and the message of what you're putting out into the world


The cinematography is *chef's kiss* as always. Your videos never fail to inspire me no matter what the subject. Keep being you!


Dude...Your cinematography is unreal. WTF man This is incredible.


You have never been a "finance" guy to me Steve, you have always been the "storytelling" guy. Soon you'll be the "shot film" guy.
Great videography Steve, I totally agree with your deep reflections and the desire to be authentic. Thank you!
Also, in the first scene was it Rifugio Averau in the Dolomites, wasn't it? Beautiful places ❤


I struggle a lot with self imposed limitations. Or those which seem like a 10/10 to my anxious mind but only in reality are a 2/10 in their limiting factor. And fear, and regret cast a bigger shadow as I get older. it's really refreshing to be reminded of the simple truths at the core of the gift of life, as your great grandmother so eloquently put it. Thanks for sharing your journey with us. Btw, a some of the ideas in this video remind me of stuff Eckhart Tolle wrote about in The Power of Now, so I highly recommend that book to anyone looking to find happiness in the here and now


Thank you for your work on this video. It is beautifully done.

I relate deeply to much of what you have expressed, but I am at a different stage and feel unable to do what you are doing, possibly ever. That is, I feel like whatever is at 'the heart' for me is going to have to stay at least partly concealed indefinitely. We are raising three growing children, all home schooled with considerable rigor; I have a demanding 60-80 hours / week full-time job and an absurd continual cognitive load as a result (but this is what it takes to support us all); I am in church / community leadership also, with all the attendant scheduling and relational demands.

I became materially successful (enough) recently to be able to provide the essentials for the family along with a fair-sized library, a number of musical instruments, and other cultural resources for all our education and benefit, but the cost of this success - which I am really only recently internalizing - is that I will not be able (myself) to directly benefit from these assets except for possibly the 15-20 minutes a day I can steal locked behind a bathroom door with a book (possibly until I am at or over 60 years of age, if I make it that far). I have musical gifts and spent a quarter of my life honing them with intense practice; now I feel like the creative part of my being is a severed limb, used only in the most meager way perhaps once a week.

I am not sure what to do any longer except to resign myself to the conclusion that the majority of the rest of my journey will be devoted almost entirely to 'the other' rather than to any part of 'the self'. Perhaps it is supposed to be this way. Sometimes I reach peace with this. Sometimes the pain of it is substantial and unrelenting.

One way or another you've given me something else to think about at the next opportunity for quiet thinking. I appreciate it.
