Lightroom 4: Adjustments - Single Image HDR Style Photo |

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This video will show you a glimpse of what's possible with Lightroom 4. Turn an under/overexposed image, into a nicely lit photo!
Howard Pinsky provides free #graphicdesign tutorials covering #CreativeCloud, Adobe #Photoshop, Lightroom, and Adobe XD to the graphic design and photography community. To date, the videos uploaded to this channel channel have been viewed over 80 million times.
No matter what you're looking to learn in Photoshop, you're bound to find it in our library of over 350 tutorials. Topics include: Text Effects in Photoshop, Photo Composition, Photo Retouching, The Basics of Photoshop, Designing in Photoshop, Special Effects, and more! While new videos will be taught using the latest version of Photoshop, you'll find videos covering Photoshop CC, Photoshop CS6, CS5, CS4, and CS3.
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