310. Ronald Reagan and the American Dream

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Ronald "Dutch" Reagan was born in 1911 to a humble family of Illinois, his father an FDR-loving democrat, his mother a notable member of the local Christian community. "Dutch" Reagan, a high school football star, would grow up to become one of America's favourite sports broadcasters, a Hollywood actor and a union leader, before finally entering American political life in 1964.
The first episode of our three-part series on Ronald Reagan sees Tom and Dominic look at his childhood, his early career, his romantic life pre-Nancy, and the beginning of his journey towards Republican politics.
The first episode of our three-part series on Ronald Reagan sees Tom and Dominic look at his childhood, his early career, his romantic life pre-Nancy, and the beginning of his journey towards Republican politics.
310. Ronald Reagan and the American Dream
311. Reagan: The Road to the White House
312. Reagan, Iran-Contra and the Cold War
The Truth About Ronald Reagan: The Legendary President (1911 - 2004)
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