Relative Pronoun | Which Who That | #spokenenglishintamil | Spoken English through Tamil | Sen Talks

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4. Idioms and Phrasal verbs

We know the importance of English speaking. Conversation in English is must nowadays as it is an international language. We can expect some situations where we communicate with others in English. There we should not become a Sorry Figure. So, in our channel, we have included Situational English dialogues series. Teaching in English nowadays takes various forms. Learning English through Tamil is one and the best among them. In our regional language, Tamil, one can learn English Sentence structures and Grammar structures easily. Repeated views of the videos make you more confident in speaking English. The main purpose of these videos is not only making the learner confident in English speaking but also the learner can write simple English sentences without any grammar mistakes. Some may be afraid of grammar mistakes. With that they hesitate to proceed and they do not want to develop their English speaking skill. The videos published in this channel, Sen Talks, certainly remove the fear of grammar mistakes while speaking in English. The explanation given in these videos makes the learner to learn very fast. Each video has a unique explanation. In order to strengthen the learning one has to get more practices to shine in speaking English. So, we have also included an easy exercise in each video. The exercises can be done after pausing the video and the learner can check the answers with the following screens that contain the answers. The comments we receive include the requisition from the learner about the new topic or upcoming topic too. We are very much sure that Tamil medium students, hereafter, never afraid of speaking in English after they have gone through these videos. This channel is updated daily with a new video. This Sen Talks channel covers not only English Videos, but also some psychological improvement skills and general topics for Child development. The focus of Child psychology development towards good growth is explained in Child development videos. The English Videos also bring other series too. Like Situational English dialogues, there are different words with related meaning series, idioms and phrasal verbs series, verbs series, etc. These videos not only enrich your English speaking knowledge but also make you handle the situation easily. You can speak in English with the help of model dialogues. With the help of those model dialogues, you can yourself make dialogues of your own situation. Have a look on other videos too which explain English grammar structures in simple. Through Tamil, you are learning English Grammar structures as well as forming English sentences.
Рекомендации по теме

Sen talks a spoken English channel, which is a best channel. Thank you


Sir tnk u...That confution cleared in relative pronoun


I like the way of teaching sir thank you ..


Greetings many things we learn from your Vedios sir....hats off your amazing efforts sir... thank you 🙏 so much sir...hearty wishes to you sir...!


This video very useful sir, thank you so much sir


Very interesting topic relative pronoun. Superb sir.


I have already been expecting this subject from you sir. Today u uploaded. Thank you Sir.


Any mental condition of which any person is conscious

Sir, explain about "of which any"


This video gave me ideas for more learn and understand and I can speak with my friends


Day by day viewers and comments are increased sir Congrats 🤗🤗🤗


Sir I want more video about relative Plzz upload


kindly give lot of examples in this topic you so much ...sir


Sir. Many times I read the newspaper. But time I had so much confusing relative pronoun. Now it was cleared. Initially i was checked each and every line meanings, but I could not understand the full meaning. Example. Raja is good boy who is studing. This is sentenses I was check the meaning each word.but many times I am not getting the meaning. Now is clear sir.


Dream with her who loves you

Ean sir her use pantranga noun clause na she thana use pannanum


Sir one dought here used john sentence (john is an engineer so he built the bridge)sir this sentence correct wrong


sir, thank you for your teaching method. It's very easy to understand. I have a request. Please upload a individual video for who, which, that (Relative pronouns). Because this video is good, but I have little confusion. Particularly Who and which. I read some stories.the stories has this type of sentences. I don't understand that sentences.So my humble request sir. Please sir. Thank you


Sir which one is correct (I completed my degree in 2015) and (I have completed my degree in 2015)


Sir can u upload, where should i use to&for


An admission is a statement, *[oral or documentary or contained in electronic form], which suggests any inference as to any fact in issue or relevant fact, and which is made by any of the persons, and under the circumstances, hereinafter mentioned. 

Sir indha sentence la which use pantrangala athu

Relative pronouna
Illa noun classa sir

Inga that um use pannalama


The tea which i took is my boss offered.

Nan kuditha tea ennoda boss offer pannadhu.

Idhu correct ah sir?
