Chris Hayes On WaPo’s Afghanistan Papers: ‘End The War Now’ | All In | MSNBC

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New government papers revealed by the Washington Post show the war in Afghanistan was a mess right from the start. Aired on 12/09/19.

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Chris Hayes On WaPo’s Afghanistan Papers: ‘End The War Now’ | All In | MSNBC
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No mention that Tulsi Gabbard has been right this whole time.




Thank you MSNBC for elevating this very important issue of wasteful wars. Thank you for supporting Tulsi Gabbards talking points. I am sure as you say, you were aware of this all along. I just missed all your reporting of it.


The weapon machinery has destroyed Afghanistan 🇦🇫 I was 9 when I left Afghanistan but since then I have seen USA put the wrong people in making decisions about Afghanistan for almost 40 years. We need the afghans who are not trying to fill their pockets. But help built the country & take the guns out


I've seen this movie before.... echoes of Vietnam.


This is why I immediately distrust any politician who says we "can't afford" to fund free public college and a green new deal, while supporting blank checks like these.


No, the lessen learned he is Washington DC is morally ethically and financially bankrupt


I can only hope the conviction that Chris Hayes seemingly holds against the war in Afghanistan holds true if Trump tries to pull us out of there.


"What are we doing in Afghanistan?" This same question was asked by both the Russians in the 1970s and the Brits in the1840s and the 1870s. It is a land whose values the Western Empires have never managed to fully understand or change. Like the Vietnam war, when you are fighting people who, unlike Americans, have nothing to lose, they see no point in surrender.


thank GOODNESS the TRUTH is coming out!FINALLY!Thank you&to all speaking&sharing!


WRONG ANSWER.. Do not end the war. DO IT RIGHT.
Afghanistan is a land locked country, which may not mean much to most people, but I expect it to mean something to a major analyst/commentator. We knew Osama and al Qaeda were there after the East Africa Embassy bombings, but to get to them we would have to have the cooperation of the Taliban government in Afghanistan (denied) or acess to the air space, at a minimum of Iran (no) Pakistan (no) Russia (no) or Kazakhstan and another Central Asian Republic and a Georgia (the Caucus country, not the state). After 9/11 Pakistan gave us access, and we evicted the Talban and al Qaeda from power and effectively declared the war over. What was left was helping rebuild, while most of the capabilities of the force were withdrawn to fight in Iran..
The fact is that if we leave, Afghanistan will once again become inaccessible, humint will be days if not weeks behind, where it is available at all, and as with the Kurds, we will have burned all of our allies. If al Qaeda and tthe Taliban or ISIS gains control, there will be nothing we can do about it. That means we must hang on until a new generation arises understanding the matters at stake and with the capacity to fight and win against terrorists. That does not mean huge casuallties. We are, in Afghanistan after 17 years, at the level of D-Day in casualties. Look at Germany, look at Japan, look at South Korea. That is the model, and it has been a long time since we took a significant loss in any of them, even including the days of the Bader Meinhof Gang. Grow up Chris.


I was in Iraq for opening shots….my boss told me on ride up ….This is not going to end well and it didn’t.


Remember.... as a precedent The Soviet Union also failed and pulled out of Afghanistan having accomplished NOTHING constructive !
its time all the foreign parties involved END financing and support to the fighters private and National .


"What are we doing in Afghanistan?" Uh... denying international terrorists a base to attack overseas? Trying to stabilize the place as best we can? Honoring commitments we have made to Afghans who will be killed if we leave and the government collapses?

I understand and sympathize with the anti-war position here. I really do. But I'm not certain if everyone with that position has fully thought through the consequences of "ending the war." If US forces immediately pull out and the Afghan government collapses, is that really better than the status quo, for the people of the United States or Afghanistan? It might be. Thinking that it would be can certainly be a reasonable position. But I'm not sure everyone saying "end the war now" has really thought about that question.

Americans are used to seeing things (including wars) as a competition with a finish line and a clear winner. But stabilization missions aren't usually like that. "Victory" is often "our guys haven't lost." The Afghan government we support has, in fact, been in power for 18 years, right? That's not nothing. The war has been treading water for a long time. Treading water is not fun. It never looks like you are making any progress. But sometimes the alternative to treading water is drowning. Sometimes you have to keep up an unpleasant and seemingly hopeless struggle because the alternative is, in fact, worse. Is that the case here? Again, you can make reasonable, good faith arguments either way. I would just like people to consider that before they tie themselves to one position or another.


Today NBC is dumping on Biden for the withdraw.


Let's get out of Syria while we're at it.


Stock value of Weapon manufactorers wenty up during this war.


That's funny Chris, because that is the "right impulse" most people have regarding the biased talking points regurgitated by the millionaire-talking heads on mainstream media... self awareness is a great thing.


We want more names, before everybody votes.


Chris Hayes: "What's the mission " - TO PROTECT OIL FIELDS
