Northern Lights Astounds Perseid Meteor Shower Onlookers

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The northern lights stole the spotlight on Sunday night as people who were planning to watch the Perseid meteor shower witnessed a dazzling display of the aurora. #aurora #northernlights

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Gorgeous! We've had clouds and have missed out on both! Living in illinois it is a rare occurrence for northern lights. I heard yesterday they were seen in Alabama. I'm so sad!


Ma shaa Allah. Allah is beautiful. He loves beauty.


HALLELUYAH! I love this comment ❤️ King Jesus is Lord and He is the only way, the truth, and the life.


The kingdom of God is at hand. The one who created everything. Zechariah 14. It’s an angel that’s lighting up the sky. It’s a sign to repent. Is the end of this age going into the thousand year. Millennial kingdom. Repent for the kingdom is at hand. The day of the Lord. And we need to make sure we’re really on his side. There are beliefs out there that are not correct. We cannot be deceived. Call upon the name of Jesus to be saved and believe that he died and rose three days later. What happened at Sodom and Gomorrah? What was happening there? What happened to Babylon with that tower? We have been born and raised in these type places. Come out of her my people. Come out of her evil wicked ways. It’s everywhere. But we can repent and return to the Lord. The day of the Lord as he fights in the day of battle. And he’s very powerful. He created everything with the spoken word. God created everything through Jesus Christ. Because Jesus Christ is the word. And God‘s name is Yahweh. It’s also Lord and his son Jesus Christ is about to step out on the mount of olives and fight as in in the day of battle. The evil and the wicked are being purged to go into the next era of time. Just like in the days of Noah with the flood. That was an end of an era going into a new era. Those who have ears to hear the real truth. And who desired to have their souls saved Jesus Christ is not a baby in a manger, He is a warrior. Zechariah 14 also tells you the effect of nuclear bombs on a persons body. Daniel‘s timeline is fulfilled. The time is at hand literally. There are those that he hasn’t come in 2000 years. Maybe they gave up don’t know. But the prophecy is very clear that it’s now. The testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy. The same way in the book of acts that he went up into the cloud, the same way we will see him come back in incredible power. He is a king and what does a king do? He rules, and he reigns. And there’s other things a king does. And he truly is the king. Jesus Christ is the one, and only Messiah and son of God, coming in the exact representation of the Father.
The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ
