Agatha Episode 7 Q&A: All Questions Answered!

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Join Erik Voss, Brandon Barrick, Jessica Clemons and special guest Jamie Jirak as they discuss all this and more!

The Breakroom is a new channel from the same team that brought you New Rockstars and The Deep Dive covering all of the nerdy news you need to know, plus exclusive interviews, after shows, and more!

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Host: Brandon Barrick
Host: Jessica Clemons
Host: Jamie Jirak
Host: Erik Voss
Head of Production: John Costa
Studio Technician: Matthew Prince
Editor: Brian M Kim

00:00 - Intro
03:32 - Episode Recap
04:50 - Will we see the dead witches at the end?
07:36 - Favorite Moments?
14:21 - Green Witch vs Lady Death?
15:49 - Let's Get Some Superchats
24:19 - Is Lilia gone for GOOD?
28:46 - How does Lilia know to warn Agatha?
33:07 - Why IS Rio here with everyone?
38:07 - Are the Salem Seven gone for good?
43:28 - What does Teen ULTIMATELY want from the road?
45:53 - Live Audience Questions!

#thebreakroom #newrockstars #agatha
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I have a theory that the lyrics of the witches road means that if someone completes the road it means their whole coven completes the road and they're all restored to life. Agatha is said to be the only witch to complete the road, but I don't think she completed it...she's the only one to survive. I think her whole coven died and she just left to save herself and if you die on the road without the coven completing the road then the death is permanent.


The we are sisters in the craft had me tearing up. Also the fact it wss Jen and Lilia that exchanged bittersweet


This episode had a strange impact on me as a 1/2 Sicilian person. Many people don’t know that Sicilians have their own language ( let alone culture) outside of Italy. I loved that they actually spoke Sicilian in the episode rather than Italian!


When Lilia flips The Tower to the upright position there is a shot of the hour glass flipping, like time is being reset. Then Lilia returns to the beginning of her lesson with her Maestra. As though her timeline was reset when the tower flipped.


One of my favorite parts of the episode, and extra kudos to the writing, is the maestra being able to teach Lilja no matter what stage in her life and experiences are. She's ready to teach the most advanced to introduction and change direction from second to second. A teacher for life, though her student is passing through phases of her own life right before her. Amazing!


15:01 Death begets life. The body is buried, decomposes, and provides nutrients for plants (life to grow). The Original Green Witch.


It only hit me now how appropriate Jen's costume was. Evil queen hag that brews potions and has a focus on beauty.


Jessica! Jessica don't die we need you. Black girl nerds unite!


Can we just talk about how Jessica Clemons looks soo good she’s really the reason i always stay tuned to every new rockstars and the break room I love you girlyyy 🫶🏾


The Lorna Wu song ends in “I’ll see you at the end”, but the ballad to open the road doesn’t. It says “to glory at the end” 5:03


I think Agatha did kill Nicholas, same way she killed Alice. I think he was 3 or 4 and unable to control his powers, and unintentionally blasted her with them and she absorbed and killed him. That’s why in the treehouse you hear him say, “Mamma, stop!” And the reason she tells Billy in an upcoming episode that “the truth is too terrible” or something to that affect”. I truly think she can’t control absorbing others powers, it’s why she can’t die. It’s a defense mechanism.


I think that lillia was literally Glinda the good witch. She mentioned Agatha should duck when she calls her a coward, gave Billy his spell book giving him a brain and she was instrumental in giving Jen a heart from looking out for herself to not letting lillia go alone and in front of her.


I'm thinking Agatha was born with the auto-merc skill and started off as an innocent child. She got the Naruto treatment and sought out the darkhold to 'cure' herself, which unintentionally cost her her child. Adding salt to the wound, the darkhold is unable to take away her power. Mad with grief, Agatha becomes the jaded, unapologetic witch we know today.


Lilia is alive. She told Agatha to "hit the deck" at the very end, so she lived the future at some point when she was flashing. I think all of them need to die to leave the road, hence their roads lead to Death. (Not me coping about Alice's death)


Please bring Jamie back next week! I loved her. All of your commentary is great (as usual), but she’s really bringing the voice that a panel on Agatha All Along needs to fully spark!


I just have to say that I think Jessica is absolutely beautiful. She's very thoughtful and hilariously funny. I love her breakdowns and reactions and she is just such a joy to watch.


16:56 I think that Agatha will accidentally drain Nicholas's power when he has an accidental burst of power as a toddler. He'll be screaming, "Momma! Stop!" as it happens.


The fact they didn’t answer if he was Billy or William is left unanswered. In the comics he is Billy Kaplan. This would be a combination of Billy Maximoff and William Kaplan. Notice how teen says he already has a mom he’s not claiming Wanda as his mother claiming the regular human as his mom because he didn’t really remember anything prior to Billy inhabiting his body. There were still remnants of William, but there is also the soul of Billy


I think we could see more of Jennifer's story when we flash back to Agatha and Rio in the past. I'll go so far as ro speculate she coud have been Agatha's midwife and that's why Agatha left her alone.


I teared up at the end of the episode, didn't know this episode was going to have this affect on me. Fantastic episode. I feel sad for Lilia for living 400+ years scattered. How confused she must have been, did she know what was really and what was the future? Slipping throughout her timeline must be unsettling, can't trust what is happening. This episode really got to me. Well done.
