Rumbelle || The Most Heartbreaking Scene

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... wow, just wow.

Robert & Emilie is why I watch and this powerful moment is beautifully heartbreaking. Just brilliant.
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"I just wanted you."
That line was the most heartbreaking. Emilie said that with so much emotion and sadness, ugh T^T </3


Emilie and Robert were amazing in that scene. Im so proud of Belle 


I teared up and gasped when Rumple's limp came back. I don't know if that was RC's idea, but it was brilliant. He was on his hands and knees JUST like when he first lost Bae in the portal when he made the wrong decision before. Wow, you


beautiful scene. My favourite part is "But I don't wanna loose you, and she replies "You already have"


When people say Belle did the wrong thing I think they forget that Rumple nearly killed the entire town just to be free from the dagger and for power. A lot of people suffered because of him and frankly he didn't even care. He was going to let them all die. I hate that he had to fall so far but he did need to leave Storybrooke because he was a danger to everyone.


Robert and Emily are brilliant. I was so mad that Rumple was doing all these things behind Belle's back. But I'm still mad that they broke up. Poor Belle :( this scene upsetted me so much even though I know that it had to happen


Props to Emelie and Robert for this scene. Really tough to do! Can someone get me an oscar for them! Please! Beautifully heartbreaking. I do hope that Belle and Rumple will get back together, but I also am glad that she finally saw the truth.


My heart hurts. They performed this so beautifully, but its just so sad. And you can totally tell that she still loves him, and it is breaking her heart. So glad that Eddie and Adam came out in an interview and said that there is still hope for Rumbelle. I would die if there wasn't.

Despite this I am so excited for the return of the Dark One in March. 


I'm so proud of Belle for doing this, he don't deserve her anymore (but I still hope that he"ll find a way to fight for her)


The heartbreaking moment for me was when he stepped over the town line, you saw the limp from his broken ankle return. He's been reduced to the weak man he was soooo long ago...


Emilie de Ravin twitted that this scene was really hard to play.  Her and Robert Carlyle were excellent.  I could feel both of their pain and hurt.


I think I'm gonna go put this scene on the very, very top of most heartbreaking I'm proud of Belle for standing up for herself and glad Rumple finally got what was coming to him, I do hope somehow they can be together again, but with LOTS more trust and honesty! excuse me while I get away from all of these cut


What a beautiful scene. Such an amazing acting. Robert Carlyle and Emilie de Ravin KILLED that scene. As a Rumbeller I was devastated. I cried for hours.
Amazing. Now i'll only hope that their relationship isn't broken, just bent. That they would mend and heal the wounds and they will learn to love again.


Allthough it broke my heart I was and am so proud of Belle. What a powerful moment! I mean...the fact that she turns her face away from him O.o ...She was so weak lately. I hated how she acted around him but now she finally starts to make a point. I am so excited to see how their relationship will go on, because it's clear that it isn't over yet. But there is not really a way for them being together if nothing changes...God, I can't wait until March!


Their chemistry is amazing. Such fantastic actors. I’m so glad she finally stood up to him—it might not seem like it, but that’s the best thing you can do for someone who suffers with “dark magic” (addiction, rage, narcissism, toxic tendencies). This was the beginning of their fresh start


And with the publication of this video, we gather here today for the tragic sinking of the following ships. Rumbelle and OutlawQueen. We knew this day would come, but we we'rent prepared.

Now, as Captain of these fallen ships, I must say goodbye. For every captain must go down with their ships. *salutes as water rises*


This was the best scene of the whole episode! ♥ I'm serious! It reminded me of why I started to ship them, in an unlogical way... but still... great scene! Perfectly written, brilliant acting, I was speechless! ♥


Truly the hardest scene and heartbreaking scene of the entire series! I love Rumbelle so much and I was crying on the floor because of this scene. And this is again making me cry! Writers somehow with your all mighty power, fix what you broke! Fix Rumbelle! I don't care about anything else! Fix them! My heart is shattering into millions of pieces and will only be fixed if they are fixed! T_T


I'm just gonna go cry in a corner till the hiatus is over


*puts blanket around Rumple and hugs him* No, don't cry please! You and Belle can make it work. Oh how my Rumbelle heart hurts.
