How to store data on Firebase. Importing and Exporting JSON on Firebase Database.

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How to store data on Firebase. Importing and Exporting JSON on Firebase Database.
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We are started to creating a new Android project.
This app is similar as above app you can download it and see it that how it works.
In this video we are discussing about -
* How to store data on Firebase.
* How to Import JSON data on Firebase.
* How to Export JSON data from Firebase.
██ Any App Source code : Paid (Message on Instagram).
Any type of App development - Contact us on Instagram.
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📛 Previous Videos :
We are started to creating a new Android project.
This app is similar as above app you can download it and see it that how it works.
In this video we are discussing about -
* How to store data on Firebase.
* How to Import JSON data on Firebase.
* How to Export JSON data from Firebase.
██ Any App Source code : Paid (Message on Instagram).
Any type of App development - Contact us on Instagram.
#androidtutorials androidprojects #firebaseandroid
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