100x Ultimatum Test | Returns & Mechanics

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#PathofExile #PoE #SettlersofKalguur

00:00 Ultimatum
00:48 Moneymakers
05:58 Build Requirements
07:40 Map Setup
09:22 Ultimatum Showcase
14:43 Atlas Tree
16:58 Ultimatum Modifiers
22:40 Profit Breakdown
26:18 High-Investment Test
28:11 Vendor Trash Catalysts
29:55 Conclusion

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There seems to be a bug with the bottom map device slot sometimes not working, put your map in there just to be safe!

Also Update: After selling all the catas I'd not even do the vendor recipe and just sell the small ones in bulk for div as well. Worked like a charm, worth a try depending on when you do this. Also check the auction-house, people are often willing to pay more for convenience.


Ultimatums feel like they take forever. Hard not to sleep on them when they literally put me to sleep


How insane that I was about to search "Palsteron Atlas Tree" and you just dropped this. That Lightning Strike Warden guide was fantastic by the way. Followed it through on all your updates and this is easily one of the highest DPS builds I've ever played. Thanks for the setup and this timely video as well!


Ruin monsters i've noticed were: small pair of robots with blue laser between them, big guy that glowing blue and throws a spear, small blue storm\tornado.
Dodge everything, that is glowing blue, to not get ruin.


THANK YOU PAL!!! Ultimatum is my all time favorite mechanic, thanks for bringing it into the fold!


I've been doing ultimatums for a few leagues now and using 2x Bribing and 1x Dueling and 1x Inscription works the best, as you swap from catalyst farm to Inscribed Ultimatum, and more often than not you get the 4D and 8D ones as rewards, and its common for them to duplicate at the end. You missed the double corrupted uniques or 21/20 gems, that can sell really well, mostly RNG, but you run a 100 maps, you will get one or two. I think I'm around 15d per hour running those and once i get a half quad tab of Inscribed, I try to sell them 5 to 1 and get a few div reward ones back, those sell like a hot cake for slightly less than the reward, everything else sell 5 to 1 in the right tiers, ie. 120% ones separate from 70% more life ones and so on.


Ultimatum is good for this build because it lets your eyes rest for a few seconds or you can go puke when you need while running spark with this skin.

It's also a great tool to help you build your defenses because it lets you chose which thing you are fighting agains so its easier to spot that a particular "thing" is giving you problems

You can cheese the "survive" type encounter on the tilesets with lots of walls like "Residence" where the circle ends just beyond the wall of the room and you can safely camp there and just watch the timer go.


I started in Ultimatum league and played until Scourge. i came back to the game this league and i was happy to see my fav league mechanic return

update: i ran like 25 of these, died in 3, got stone circles 7 times(1 in 15 chance for sure buddy), made 7.8div profit(15.8 if i were to include a duplicated 4divine inscribed ulti) in around like 2 hrs of unoptimized playing. That 2 hrs includes choosing random maps to run and rolling them as well. So like 4div/hr 6/hr if i only count time spent in maps, 8/hr if i include very lucky drops.
Overall not bad, the Dueling scarabs were very expensive tho, at like 5 for 1div.


Ive been doing ultis wirh my retaliation evisc glad for almost a week, in the market you can sell the lower catalyst on a big stack for a div, also inscribed ulti are dependant on you getting the 70 or 120% life which could give you nice rewards like 4 and 8 divs. if you happen to get a 200% more life then you can sell that for 3 divs quite fast.


omg pal changed he's ending to "see u next time"


Highly recommend ulti on 8 mod t16 maps with the inscribed wheel and the currency notable from the atlas tree. Extremely noticeable difference in the amount of raw divs/inscribed divines that drop and they’re more likely to be the 70+ monster life inscribed that gives 4 or 8 divs. Catalysts are stable currency but the real money comes from hitting 3 cherries on the slot machine


I found Glad Bleed with pops to be a great Ulti farmer. You can also "block" ruin from the guy that throws it at you, on top of popping the screen and being very tanky.


Ultimatum has given me the best items ive ever gotten lmao


Tbh you could make more money by using the inscribed ultimatum scarab, some can duplicate up to 8 divines or div cards like choking guilt.
If you add the dueling scarab on top you always get catalyst on killing him.


My favorite low-cost investment in Ultimatum is putting 1point into Servant of Order.


I sure do miss being able to throw 4 catalysts on a normal 86 stygian vise for crafting. Im sure the new system is helping out the prices since you always need more


do you know if the rewards of ultimatums is better on higher tier maps? because if not, it would be advised to use well juiced t4 maps (much cheaper and 100% doable) to maximize profit.


Is there a trick to mastering Ultimatums? I cannot clear most of them as I just get Ruin stacked... even though I never ever pick any challenge that can apply Ruin to me. And that is so irritating... I try to move around, evade, do anything I can, but after a few rounds have 7 Ruin stacks and Ultimatum ends... what am I missing? Can anyone guide mep lease?


My personal take on ultimatum. Is it felt like good money. I did about 50 maps of it. But it can get rippy. I really think you have to go more on the tanky side to be able to run these. High dps alone just won’t work. Also it did feel a bit like simulacrums as far as the redundancy of it goes so that is ultimately what stopped me from doing more.


those dueling scarabs are unpurchaseable atm...
