Romans 1 (Part 3) :18-32 The Wrath of God Revealed

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A chapter-by-chapter and verse-by-verse study of Romans taught by Pastor Paul LeBoutillier of Life Bible Ministry.
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Powerful sermon. I thank God for leading me to this great teacher! I have been learning so much through these teachings/videos.


I know this was 7 years ago but he nailed it! Look where we are now 😔. God help us.


We need more pastors like you to speak the truth in love. Harsh teaching but full of truth!!! Seems some pastors rather keep quiet in order to keep members. But I appreciate the truth.


I started a book of Romans bible study yesterday and as I always do I searched through Calvary Chapel Ontarios YouTube page to help guide me to a better understanding. I was sort of let down when I saw the video was almost 10 years old. I don't know why. Well it's safe to say God ALWAYS gives a word through Pastor Paul. First you can't see any difference in the delivery or the passion. He has always allowed God to use him. This teaching is so very powerful and still relevant to the world we live in today. Not only is it relevant but I think some of what he said has become even more revealed in it's sinful nature. Proof that when you lean on God's word, it can never run dry. I stand corrected in my apprehension to watch an older video...when God gives a word, it stands the test of time. God please continue to use this man for teaching of your word. God Bless you and yours Pastor❤


Saving this in my favorites playlist ❤

First time reading the book of Romans, I never thought it'll start so beautifully 🥹


Thank you for keeping this here 7 years later! 🙏🏽 God bless you!


12/31/2024 : This message is oh so relevant today. God Bless Pastor Paul and his ministry.


me to my computer every time I listen to pastor paul .... PREACH IT PASTOR PAUL !! PREACH IT !! 🗣📢


I'm wonderfully blessed by this teaching. I'm glad I'm not condemned. God's grace is sufficient for his children. Thank you Jesus for dying a shameful death for my salvation. I want to love you all the days of life Amen


I’ve been going through the Bible for my personal studies with your teachings for a couple of years now. I have a church that my son and I go to, which is very good but I like doing these for my personal nightly studies. I appreciate this message so much, and while I always appreciate your teaching, your passion in this is amazing, and yes, this message is just as important now as it was when you taught it years ago. Thank you!


At long last I have found a true true teacher. You are such a real man of God. I thank God for directing me to this page.


A true man of God, true Gospel is the way to go🎉


I’m so blessed and thankful to be led to your teachings, Pastor Paul! All glory to God! Thank you so much 🙏🙌🔥


2015 now 2024 and even more relevant. If you choose one sermon to listen to, make it THIS. This truth is a Game changer


I love the intensity Pastor Paul brought to this. Regretfully, many of the points he made have come more to light in the five years since it was posted


This was powerful! I’ve been speaking to myself regarding my change in attitude toward the LGBT community because of how it’s being thrown in our face and how the children are being attacked and the Lord made me realize that their actions is a sin just as when I sin and am a Child of God, well He loves them. God never said hate the person, He said hate the sin. I started listening to your teaching of Romans tonight and It looks like I’ll be up all night, thank you for speaking truth without sugar coating anything. I appreciate that! Continue to let the Holy Spirit speak through you!


Powerful words. Thank You Lord! Help me align in your holy presence Jesus. I needed to hear this. God bless you ❤


Thank you Pastor Paul for sharing the word of the Lord. may we surrender all of our desires of the flesh. We praise Jesus for His work on the cross so we can live for Him.


I have just begun studying the Bible. I am beginning with Romans because of a friend’s recommendation. It’s funny, all my life when I look at all the beautiful places on this planet and the sky the first thing that pops in my mind is God. My breath gets taken away and I am left awestruck. But, still I have denied His existence even when its proof is laid plain before me and the awe I feel in my heart.


Such a powerful and full of truths message of God through you Pastor Paul.
I'm so amazed by how you present your preaching. Thank you! I found a mentor in you. 😊 From Philippines.
