Quantum Physics & Ancient Wisdom: Unveiling Maya

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To Understand the True Nature of Reality and to Create your Life Consciously the way you Desire and Deserve, Join A.C.S, 'The Adhvaitha Conscious Society'

Dive deep into the mystical convergence of Quantum Physics & Ancient Wisdom as we unveil the secrets of Maya, and explore the essence of consciousness. 🌌✨ This enlightening journey not only bridges the gap between modern science and age-old Vedantic teachings but also empowers you to uncover the True Nature of Reality.

**Key Insights You'll Discover:**
- The profound connection between Adhvaitha and Quantum Physics
- Vedanta's timeless wisdom on consciousness

0:00 - Introduction
1:53 - Maya, Illusion, Perception
5:16 - Consciousness, Fundamental Reality
7:06 - Unity, Non-Duality, Oneness
10:56 - Understanding Maya in Advaita Vedanta Philosophy
14:00 - Transcendence, Immanence
15:29 - Reality, Existence, Truth
17:41 - Quantum Physics, Advaita Vedanta, Parallels
18:06 - Conclusion


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We will not be able to address all the comments and questions raised by everyone here. Some questions are valid and can be answered, but it takes time and this cannot be done in the comment section. And with some other illogical comments, we do not wish to engage. [The links and resources are for genuine seekers who are looking for answers with an open mind.]

So, for those of you who wish to go deeper to understand the non-dualistic perspective of Advaita Vedanta on how it explains reality, we are attaching some links here. This will help.

How Science is slowly validating Advaita?

Thank you. :)


Brilliantly explained. I’m glad I found your channel.


Amar Atma Satchidananda Mai Hoon, Yhi Gyan Arjun Ko Hari ne Sunaya, Yhi Ghyan Vedon Mein Rishiyon Ne Laya❤


Phenomenal work brother! Truly appreciate your dedication and efforts. Thank you for the priceless quality and thorough research in all your videos. I am glad I found your channel. Jai Siya Ram! Har Har Mahadev!


simply elegant. I want to make a ONE time donation. how do I do that just one time without signing up?



Me liking the video

Good stuff


PRABHU, Who do you like more Deepak Chopra or Joe Dispenza?


I truly want to believe in this and Advaita by far seems extremely logical and rationalized too....the ability to create your own life is well justified....but if this belief is true....then :
1.what about accurate astrological predictions?
2.What about kundli which shows you are going to get an abusive spouse?
3. What about the concept of karma (what u r about to face in this world has to be faced by you)
4. What about "universe has its own timing", "things will come to you only when they are meant to come which is equivalent to favourable dasha running for a human" ???
I am not offending any beliefs here....just trying to understand how two contradictory things are making sense in their own ways and also show results....is there any connection between Advaita vedanta and predestined karma seen through kundli ?


no you are wrong ... quantum physics does not in any way confirm the vedas or upanishads, this is a misconception they are merely converging to the same philosophical conclusion (this is different from proof) ... both vedas and quantum physics theorise that the physical reality is an illusion of the senses and the underlying reality is something else i.e. maya in vedas and quantum fields in physics ... had we scientific proofs then would not be quantum field theory but quantum field laws, they sound the same but there a diffference and it matters


I don't understand quantum physics and I don't understand adwaithabad. Therefore let's assert they are saying the same thing. This pretty much sums up this video


What is the purpose of this Maya? If we all are one consciousness then why do we have come to experience this simulation? What is the need of all this?


We are going to look at the wrong paraphrasing of “Not Locally Real” as “Not Real”.

The basic issue is dropping some critical words and thereby giving opposite meaning - like If a person says "John likes Peter to be hanged", then it is paraphrased as "John likes Peter" by dropping the words "to be hanged". Similarly the statement "The world is not locally real" is paraphrased as "The world is not real", by droppping “locally”. Further there is no clarity of definition of “locally real”. The word "Real" has its own well established connotation. Why change it? The promoters of Advaita talk about explanation of something that is not real? If the universe is not real, what are you doing here and why bother explaining it and is your explanation real? It is a self-destructive argument. An argument that is made in the world, that is not real, can not be a real argument. If the world is false, everything in the world including their argument has to be false. It is completely self-deception. There is thorough mixup of magic, dreams and real world. If nothing is real, what is the point in understanding it? That is a self-contradiction by itself.

Who has the anubhava or experience that this world is not real? Can anyone ever have such an experience? If that were true, why people bother discussing something that does not exist like arguing whether a hare’s horn is blue or green or a sky-flower has fragrance or not or whether the son of a barren woman is strong or not, etc?

Many claim “This is what Vedanta has been saying from Day 1” Are you kidding?

Even Advaita has not been saying – The world is unreal (asat). It says “vishvaM mithya” (The world is mithya). It has put forth an ambiguous word “mithya”, which they give multiple definitions like – “mithya is neither sat(real) nor asat(unreal)”. But outside Advaita, Mithya has one of the meanings “unreal”, but the classical advaitins warn saying that “Don’t translate mithya as unreal, it is neither real nor unreal, it is inexplicable ”. They say that the world is “vyyAvahArika satya”. The “locally real” is not “Absolutely real or ParamArthika satya” and so, it has to be “vyAvahArika satya”. That means as per Advaita the world is supposed to be “locally real”. But the claim is that the Nobel prize winners said that “The world is not locally real”, meaning “The world is not vyAvahArika satya”, which is dead against Advaita. And these absurd Advaita proponents are hitting at the roots of Advaita, but keep yelling at the top of their voice that Advaita Vedanta says that?? Give me a break!!

And most of the people fall for it!!!

Further, show me one statement from any ItihAsa (Mahabharata or Ramayana) or any purANa or any Vedic text, which says that the world is unreal. You have all advanced search tools and search all over the internet or contact any scholar on the face of the Earth, who can produce such a statement.

In Vedic literature, there is only one statement, which talks about the reality of the world.

2.24 (varga 3) verse 12a
vishvaM satyaM maghavAnA yuvoridApashcana pra minanti vrataM vAm |\\

Obviously this says that the world is real.

There are many sites, which list this.

Just a sample. These vedic texts are universally accepted (including all the Advaitins).

Now, let us look at the pathetic logical capabilities of these useless speakers, who do not have even basic common sense and understanding. Let us take a simple example

If someone says “John Peter is not a strong man”, then what are the possibilities?

1. John Peter is strong, but not a man.
2. John Peter is a man, but not strong.
3. John Peter is neither strong nor a man.

Obviously, the common sense tells that it is only choice 2. Both 1. and 3. are ridiculous.

Now take the statement that the world is not “locally real”, then what are the possibilities?

1. The world is local, but not real.
2. The world is real, but not local.
3. The world is neither local nor real.

They have no choice, but to go with 2. But that kills Advaita. To avoid that conundrum, these pathetic speakers are going either with choice 1. or 3., both of which are wrong and ridiculous.

So, the truth of the matter is that the world is real only. That throws their whole argument and claim to the winds.


Complete nonsense. The Vedas and Upanishads never supported any Advaita. They were twisted out of proportion. The superficial meaning of a small select statements that to stripped out-of-context were taken as "mahavAkyas" (the terminology that came into existence only from Gaudapada and never used in that sense by Vedavyasa or Valmiki or for that matter any one prior to Gaudapada) and all the rest of Vedas were thrown to the winds. The only statement that is ever mentioned in entire Vedic and Upanishadic texts is in Rigveda "vishva satya maghavAnA" (in second anuvAka). Even Quantum Physics is misinterpreted out of total ignorance. The statement "not locally real" negates the term "locally". That means it is globally real". If Advaita says "neither real nor unreal", then the science should say the same. But you people are translating "locally not real" simply as "not real" and spreading the wrong message that the world is not real. Even Brahmasutras say "Om vaidharmyAchcha na svapnAdivat OM". (By virtue of having completely different characteristics, the world is not at all like a dream:). Every Jiva is Brahman is absurd.


Sir, how to deal with the 3d, after you visualised a new outcome, suppose i am suffering from back pain, and now if i visualise myself as a pain free individual who is working out daily, then after visualisation when i open my eyes, i see no changes, so how to deal with 3D world, while manifesting
If i imbibe the character of a person who has good health, then how would he feel about this pain in his body?


i think when we sleep our mind connects to the multiverse of life our soul is living in another body in other universe in another earth may be in other life form symultaneously
