UNDERCOVER: OPERATION WINTERSUN (2006) ⋅ An Austrian Spy Thriller Adventure ⋅ 5 Minute Review

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Undercover: Operation Wintersun, or Operation Wintersonne in the German original, is a third person point and click spy-thriller adventure from 2006, developed by the Austrian company Sproing Interactive and published by ANACONDA.
The player is placed in control of Dr. John Russell, a British nuclear physicist, who is charged with finding German atomic weaponry undercover by MI-6. The game features a number of puzzles which the player must solve to progress, and the professor is required to use items that he has picked up throughout his exploration.
#adventuregame #spythriller #worldwar2
UNDERCOVER: OPERATION WINTERSUN (2006) ⋅ An Austrian Spy Thriller Adventure ⋅ 5 Minute Review
Undercover Operation Wintersun walkthrough part 1
Undercover Operation Wintersun Intro
Undercover Operation Wintersun walkthrough part 9
undercover operation wintersun ''PL'' 3
01: Ein Anruf mit Folgen 💣 UNDERCOVER: OPERATION WINTERSONNE (Streamaufzeichnung)
Undercover: Operation Wintersun (part 21 walkthrough) -Bomb on a Cargo Plane-
Undercover: operation Wintersun - intro język polski
Undercover: Operation Wintersun (part 24 walkthrough END) -Mission Accomplished-
Undercover: Operation Wintersun (part 19 walkthrough) -Bodies in the Sluice-
Undercover: Operation Wintersun (part 23 walkthrough) -The Ruined Factory-
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