56 Miles (90 km) Above Earth - Successful Amateur Rocket Launch

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Two-stage amateur rocket flight to 293,488 ft (55.6 mi/89.5 km). This rocket is called MESOS (short for mesosphere) because it is designed to fly there. The mesosphere is the third layer of Earth's atmosphere situated between 31 and 53 miles (50-85 km) above the surface. The amazing part about this rocket is it reached this altitude on less than 41,000 N-s of total impulse (full O-class high power rocket motor)! Capable of carrying the equivalent of a 16 oz can of beer/energy drink as a payload, this rocket flew two GoPro Hero 9s with modified rectilinear lenses. Both stages are recovered via parachutes and are reusable. This video covers the development and the launch of this record breaking rocket. I hope you enjoy it!

The Ridge - Ebb and Flod
Courageous Endeavor - Airae
Luna - Ebb and Flod
Headphones (Instrumental) - Ooyy
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I was an aerospace engineer for IBM and Lockheed Martin for 30 years (retired). I congratulate you, the knowledge, skill, and research to accomplish this is amazing feat, Robert Goddard would be proud.


If your rocket went 295, 000 feet in the air, I don’t think you can call that amateur anymore.


Dude this is AWESOME! You crushed it in so many ways. Mixing your own propellant, machining your own parts, going through numerous tests to prove out your design, AND editing all of this together! You are a truly talented engineer, and an inspiration for all of us.


I'm absolutely saving this and showing it to my grandpa. He was an electrical engineer for nasa from the early 60s to latest 70s and worked on the Apolo missions. He loves amateur built rockets and seeing this will likely bring a tear to his eyes. He's in his 90s now and doesn't have much left and I know watching this will bring him back to his glory days


I never in my wildest dreams thought an amateur could design, build, and deploy a rocket that could climb to fifty-six miles above the earth, travel at Mach 2.24 with first stage and attain Mach 4'.18 with the second stage, those figures are unbelievable, in fact out of this world. To think you recovered both stages intact is a massive bonus. Kudos to you dude and I hoe you are employed in the space program somewhere because space exploration needs geniuses much like yourself. Thanks for sharing.


I love being in this era, where anyone can have their own record label, radio show and video channel. It's even cooler to see somebody develop their own space program! What an exciting time to be alive. Thank you for sharing!


Wow... That ice wall is looking mighty impressive from that altitude


We live in an incredible time where a single individual with modest means, and true determination, can deliver such feat. Without minimizing the achievement here, let's acknowledge the shoulders of giants that made this possible.


This is the best version of these none NASA rockets I've ever seen. Congratulations!


"Honey have you seen the mixing paddle for the kitchen aid? I'm going to make banana bread. "Yes, honey sorry, it's in the dishwasher. I was just making Rocket Fuel again"


Pressure and buoyancy seems to have pushed the majority of comments from flat Earthers to the bottom of the page. Makes sense because of how dense they can be.


I’ve been working in aerospace for 34 years, this is the coolest “amateur” project I have ever seen. This was a professional job, guys, I am blown away. Amazing work. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

P.S. I said “amateur” in quotes because this was a very professional operation. Very proud of you all! Congratulations!! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


The level of engineering shown here is impressive to say the least. Holy cow, this is absolutely insane. You are an inspiration to all of us, I wish you all great success in the future and I hope you will share your passion with us in the next videos, because this is just amazing.


When I was a young boy in the 1960s I discovered Dr. Robert Goddard. After reading his biography he immediately became my hero. Now, nearly 60 years later, he is still my hero. You guys bring that all back to life. Every time I saw your launching tower go up I flashed back to the thrill of discovering Dr. Goddard and of the NASA space program. Congratulations on a successful flight and thanks for keeping the dream alive!


Really sucks that amazing people can make these things happen and yet there will still be people out there calling it fake. Amazing job guys


It's so ridiculous that flat earthers think that this video is about them and/or disproving them, and take the time to spam comment section about "fish eye lens" and other deranged hypothesis of why this proof is not valid.

This video is not about you, It's not a proof of anything, because no proof is needed.

It's about a group of people, a passion and and a successful engineering feat, and a great one at that.

Video footage was recorded as a proof of the feat, not to prove something that we already know from thousands of years.

I'm sure they're happy about the increased engagement coming from your comments, but...

This video is not about you, it was never about you, nobody takes you seriously, get help and go away, or stay and enjoy the video for what it is.


To the thousands of other messages, let me add my own : My name is Pierre Pagé, I was born in November of 1969, in Lachine, Quebec, I’m watching this in November of 2023, I believe it to be a significant event, a tremendous achievement in private rocketry, a great milestone for all mankind. We are still on the march, we will never stop, we will reach the stars and go even beyond, forever forward. Congratulations to you and your team and, Thank You - Merci ✌🙂🌎


I see NO amateurs here at all. You guys are amazing. Congratulations 👏👏


I think you're the first amateur to almost reach the Karman line with tiny rocket! The rocket behavior (stage separation, second stage burn and parachute deployment...) is perfect. It's so impressive, please continue to make us dream and have a lot of fun. You're the best 👍🤩


I can't wait to do this in the future when I'm an aerospace engineer. This is truely an inspiration to future engineers.
