Can You Hotwire a car Like in the Movies - Hollywood Secrets Revealed

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In this video I'll show whether the quick hot wire of a car and driving it off that you see in the movies either by a thief or a hero during and emergency is actually possible or not. To an unsuspecting eye it may look like all you have to do is find the two right wires, strip the ends, touch them together, start the car and off you go. But there's more to it than that, watch this video and find all there is to know about a car's starting system.

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I appreciate him putting his escape from prison on hold for the moment in order to teach us how to hotwire a car. Thanks


Well obviously anyone with the know how on how to actually hot wire a car like this would know that you can easily remove the plate on the bottom part of the wheel and remove the locking mechanism and pin plate to unlock the wheel and keep it from locking. but i like how he left that off the video so that he wasnt actually teaching ppl how to steal a car


I hope this video goes viral for you buddy. Throwing in scenes beyond just repair is a lot of creativity and production effort.


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As someone who's had to move cars without keys more than a few times, I know it's possible to hotwire a car quickly, though the problem comes with breaking the steering lock if you don't have access to the lock mechanism through the steering column. If you do, it's easy to start the car and drive away. I've done it both ways. Basically anything older than 96 can be vulnerable depending on the make.


Haha good job man :) Funny stuff. I will have to remember if I rob a bank to get a car first!


Hot wiring a car, like in the movies, only works on cars manufactured before computers and steering locks.


the terminator made it look easy . he just ripped the plastic off with his hands and then with his mighty strength destroyed the steering lock


As it turns out, the wheel-lock is a joke: just grab a magnet and stick it to the lock to unlock it.
Small note: You need a relatively strong magnet and I'm not sure whether it works on all cars.


You are every kind of awesome!
I know there are WAAAY easier ways to do this with older vehicles and probably with this one as well, but you do an INCREDIBLE job of explaining all of this!

Thanks for your time, buddy. I appreciate this, it's a great learning tool, and you deserve a beer for this \m/


Oh yeah... the wheel lock lol. even my 1993 Escort actually required you to insert the proper key in order to disengage the wheel lock lol. I remember fiddling with it when I needed a new ignition switch.


Thank you, my friend, you have saved me from a life of crime!


Hmmm. Well were I come from they would just hammer a large screwdriver into the ignition and use a wrench to turn it. car started. Newer cars with imobilisers of course wont work like this or in the vid.


Good luck hot wiring my car after I installed a hidden battery kill switch. It's an older Porsche so doesn't need a throttle adaptation or other ECU learning stuff.but I still enjoy your videos. Damet Garm 😀


0:42 he sounds like Lumpy Space Princess


omg. why dont prisoners that escape prison try to hotwire a car? just go to a car dealership and lease a new car. surely their credit score cant be THAT bad.


I love that beginning scene lmao “I have no choice I’m gonna hot wire a car!” Also punching the guy who complied lmao


you earned a thumbs up with the dashboard ninja!


Bruh, that opening skit made me laugh so hard. Thank you for this video.


you are a life saver man, I thought I was all ready to rob that bank before I watched this video. Looks like I have done more work to do.
