COVID Psychological Manipulation: Unpacked

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In the coming months, the Lighthouse Declaration team will host a series of webinars and roundtables to further expand the conversation on these critical issues.

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Comrade!!! Speaking as a sacked Registered Nurse of 40 years. NZ was just as bad as Aus. Thanks to Jackboots Ardern, I saw the madness in 2020 and almost lost my mind. I lost friends, colleagues, had conflict in my family and felt like a voice in the wilderness. I was at the Wellington protest for 3 weeks, sleeping in my car, volunteering in the medical tent and found, AT LAST, kindred spirits. I wondered why I wouldn't tow the line and believe the BS. THEN I realised....I had my TV taken out 13 years ago. I only touched a newspaper to do the crossword. I watched Mattias Dessmet and understood it all. I no longer associate myself with the sheeple. I don't trust anything spoken by the vast majority of politicians. The worlds govts killed people, maimed them, psychologically damaged them for power and money. THAT is unforgivable. Thank you, both, for your bravery.


I refused the shot in America because I was trying to get pregnant. I was fired from my job for refusing. I'm now 8 months pregnant and so happy I stood my ground.


Covid is a perfect example of why government power should be limited with zero exceptions. And why “experts” and institutions should never be blindly trusted.


I'm a doctor. The fact that big brother and sister decided how we should fill in the death certificates tells it all.


None of the doctors involved in the Nuremberg trials were given a free pass for just “doing as they’re told”. Neither should these people.


I have said it before, and I am saying it again. The plandemic was carefully planned and meticulously executed.


I made sure that I didn’t allow my 86 year grandmother to take the jab. I educated her about the vaccine and to this day, continues to thrive. Thank goodness!


To all of those out there who refused to be peer pressured, and who stood strong in the dark, this is for you!


When I was young, I asked my Grandma how the Germans could have fallen for Hitler, I understand it completely now.


“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”
― Mark Twain


Something changed during the pandemic. People were lied to and gaslit on a huge scale and were bullied into getting an untested trial 'Jab'. People were turned against each other and nothing has felt right since. Thank you, Dr. John.


Sacked Registered Nurse here. Qld Health sacked me after 17 years service, worked Christmas’s, overtime, taught students etc, many different roles and specialties. Good enough to work alone in HDU/ Seclusion in Psychiatry in a locked area with the most volatile unpredictable potentially violent psychotic patients, good enough to work in Infectious Disease wards caring for people with TB and other infectious diseases never ONCE asked for evidence of any vaccine status in my entire 24 year ‘ career’ yet raise the issue of potential myocarditis and pericarditis in these novel MRNA injections and suspended for 3 years then sacked after the mandates were withdrawn. Cannot wait for the class action litigation! Never going back but my golly gosh I will one day get compensation and backpay. I don’t care if it takes 29 years- I will never give up the fight!


I was a front line community support worker handing out food parcels to the homeless and needy during the lockdowns in Australia. After 10 years in the job I was fired and ordered not to enter the company's property, because I had refused to take the jab. They notified me of this by email on Christmas eve, which was about two weeks after my wife lost her pharmacy job of 14 years in a similar way.
We where treated disgracefully for standing up for our rights and convictions, but despite it all God has graciously provided for our family to this day.


My wife and adult sons all lost their jobs due to the jab mandates in Australia. We all know that we made the right decision and would do exactly the same next time.


Dear colleague, I live in Italy, on the other side of the world. I was suspended from work for a year. I will be suspended again, because I no longer pay the membership fee to the Italian professional association (they supported censorship, hatred towards professionals who did not obey and psychological terrorism, even against children) and because I continue to freely express my beliefs. You have my full support.


The economic fallout from the pandemic has been really bad, with inflation hitting hard. I can’t even go on about the issues with the vaccine.


I am a Psychitric Nurse (20 years) and saw the manipulation throughout the UK and within the was shocking, the biggest psychological operation ever that lined pockets. I trusted to begin with but soon enough my eyes opened. I got called an Anti Vaxer and the Government held an axe over my livelihood...if i didnt conform...but no way would I...I even asked the head of HR in the organisation i work for (KMPT) as an organisation who are all supposedly about mental health what they were doing to support the unvaxed employees who were thought to be loosing their jobs....there was complete answers or support. I was suspended from duties for not wearing a mask and refusing to do so when the organisation couldn't even provide me with evidence that the face nappies made any positive difference...let alone being able to provide us with the space to "social distance"!!! Incidentally i won my case against my employer. Now, I analyse everything and know there is always an alterior motive.


We were lied to on a huge scale and people were turned against each other like nothing we've ever seen before. I never fell for it, but it was sad and painful to witness. We're still seeing the effects now. Thank you, Dr. John.


Agree with everything said. As a nurse during COVID in Australia, I was gagged from talking out about the inhumane way patients their families were treated . Told not to document adverse reactions unless anaphylactic.So many of the people not wanting to be vaccinated but wanted to be included in society and keep their jobs. I will never see the world the same way. I left a wonderful career of of 25 years and so ashamed to be part of a health care system that used fear in line with government corruption.


I knew it was a PSYOP from day 1. What I couldn't wrap my head around was why some of the smartest people I knew didn't see it, couldn't see it or refused to see it. This interview explained my dilemma perfectly.
