Bambi cutscene time-lapse

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para quien le interese ver como fue el proceso de la animación cutscene de bambi aquí les dejo él time-lapse espero les guste y pronto traeré speedpaints que aviso no son sobre mods de fnf.
La música del video no es mía y toda la saqué de este video:
For those who are interested in seeing how the process of the bambi cutscene animation went, here is the time-lapse. I hope you like it and soon I will bring speedpaints that I warn are not about fnf mods.
The music in the video is not mine and I took all of it from this video:
La música del video no es mía y toda la saqué de este video:
For those who are interested in seeing how the process of the bambi cutscene animation went, here is the time-lapse. I hope you like it and soon I will bring speedpaints that I warn are not about fnf mods.
The music in the video is not mine and I took all of it from this video: