The Key Difference Between Sex and Gender, and Why to Say There are 'No Genders,' w/ Billboard Chris

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Megyn Kelly is joined by "Billboard Chris" Elston, father and activist, to discuss the real meaning of “gender" and how it differs from "sex," why he says it's important to say there are "no genders" and two sexes, how the left preys on our instinct to be tolerant, the long-term ramifications of “gender-affirming care” on minors, and more.

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This is so true. People think the word sex is taboo but it's really the only correct term.


Omg! The same thing happened to me when I recently took my cats to a new veterinarian. When I was filling out the new paperwork the gender question for my cat appeared: male, female, transgendered, and other. I asked the person at the front desk why would they ask this insane question and she couldn’t respond other than being irate at me for asking.


There's an old grammarian's joke I've been cracking for decades (long before the gender wars became public): _"Words have gender, people have sex."_ The word wars over gender go all the way back to the (stupid) idea that the word 'sex' was too 'dirty' to use on forms. I objected then because it was step one to what we have going on today. This has been going on for a very, very long time and the fact that people are more aware that there is a problem is a great sign.


Those who can make you believe in absurdities, will make you commit atrocities. You better believe it!


Historically, "gender" was a linguistics term. A "gendered" language, for example, is one with femine and masculine parts of speech such as, in the case of Spanish, nouns – for eample "Latino" and "Latina" (which is why the left likes "Latinx, " as the word collapses sex and gender differences all at once). The left smuggled the term into a different arena in order to distinguish biology from identity; then erased the distinction they themselves had drawn by saying "trans women are women."


This is an important explanation. Many thanks.


A few years ago, my friend told me that her sister had a transgender rabbit. The sister lived/worked in academia in Portland, OR.


Really enjoyed listening to his thoughts on the topic. You need to have him back again.


I think Trump's issue is he is close friend with Jenner, who is a staunch supporter. I live in a community where there is a couple of a man and a transwoman. While it's a small percentage of the population there are many trans people. As an adult, I am confused and try to be respectful. I do really hate what's going on with kids, however. There is no excuse for mutilating children.


Yes! When I have mentioned this as part of teaching in my class of nine-year-olds I am careful to refer to sex rather than gender. The first time I said it they jumped and exchanged shocked looks but it is important to use the correct terms and reclaim the word ‘sex’ for boys and girls rather than referring to gender. Two sexes, zero genders. Kellie Jay Keen says the same. I recently taught pronouns and we discussed how if you don’t know what sex a cat is, you can use ‘it’s, but if you know it’s male, you can refer to it as ‘he’s. But this is different for humans as ‘it’s is impolite, and anyway, you can usually tell in humans just by looking at them 😂😂 Terfing the next generation!


He is right there . There are 2 sexes.


I absolutely LOVED Vivek's speech when endorsing Trump. He was straightforward, clear, and energetic. There are indeed TWO genders (sexes) and we need to keep on saying that.


This man is AMAZING LIONS we are getting a ton of LIONS coming out to eat and this man is a beautiful LION!!!! Way to go Meg!!! Love always Kelli


People who don't know about this aren't horrified when you tell them – they think it's a conspiracy theory. Because it's so crazy.


This makes a lot of sense! As a writer, for most of my life, I have considered my soul, or my intelligence, to be genderless. So I like what he said about that.


Gender is a language term, like grammatical gender in Spanish or German.


'gender' is a polite term for 'sex', but now it's been hijacked...
just like 'gay' is a polite term for. 'homosexual', but now you can't say 'gay' to mean 'happy' any more, unless you are singing "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas"..


Wow I love this idea!! 2 sexes, zero genders, infinite personalities and expressions of self!! Yes! Thank you


Two sexes, zero genders, infinite personalities.


Finally someone saying the truth. Gender was first introduced in the 70’s by French liberals who rejected Rene Descartes “ I think therefore I am” and embraced Antonio Damasio’s I feel, therefore, I am.
