WalkHub, tutorials designed for the Internet - IndieGoGo campaign movie

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When you create a Walkthrough in WalkHub you record the interactions with a web application and not the visuals: record what you do on a site, and you can immediately share and play the resulting walkthrough. It runs on top of a website, no downloads required.

With your support we believe we can do something truly epic: make WalkHub the Wikipedia of online tutorials, create Walkthroughs for all of the Internet. This might sound like crazy talk but it is actually achievable. Read on to learn how.

The goal of this campaign is NOT to create WalkHub, we have already built it. The primary goal of this campaign is to jumpstart our community. If you help us reach our stretch goal we will also be able to grow the WalkHub team with additional members of our consulting firm so that we can focus and further speed up the project.

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Check out the Walkhub indiegogo campaign, and please help us at least with a share. Thanks! 
