Street Preachers, More Faith, Prophecy & Stiff Necks: Romans 10:14-21

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A verse by verse study through Romans 10:14-21 including a variety of related topics.

Pastor Mike Winger
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I was saved by a street preacher.
I wanted to follow Jesus, I believed in Jesus, but I didn't have knowledge of repentance.
Once I understood that I could not become a good person for Jesus, that I could only repent and believe, that I am only righteous by faith, and that is when I was no longer miserable in my sins.


It is the weirdest thing when professed Christians don't think sharing the gospel is a priority especially considering the Bible exhorts us to do so.


I've preached open air many times since the late 80's on college campuses and events.
I'm trying to be more like Ray Comfort and Mike now.
And I REALLY appreciate the gracious encouragement. You're exactly correct about professing Christians being the worst critics of biblical evangelism. (Preaching being the primary manifestation of that)


Absolutely blessed to listen to what the Lord says through you, Brother. God bless you 😊and your ministry.

Praise God for He has still kept a remnant of Bible teachers who have a great heart for Christ and are Bible believing and practising preachers. My heart is filled with gladness.

May we all walk worthy of His calling !!


Truth everytime! Thank you Lord and thank you Mike. Brothers like Mike Winger, Michael Heiser, Nabeel Quereshi (who is with our Lord), Ravi Zacharias, John Lennox and David Lynn are all blessings and advance The Kingdom speaking Christ's Truth. Hallelujah!


I started to believe in God as a child, no one told me about the Gospel, but the global culture talked about it, even catholic buildings were saying something about life and death and God, and a Lamb, even if I understood nothing, it was under my eyes pushing me to ask questions. I saw Jesus at TV in a film about Gospel of Matthew, ( because French TV used to share Christianity for Christmas) . That's how I discovered Jesus Christ.


Thank you so much for these classes. You are truly doing Gods work. Through your teachings i have learned so much and it has saved me from certain toxic teachings and thinking. Thank you.


This message was such a blessing. Thank you so much Mike. May we all keep our eyes fastened on Messiah, guided by the Spirit, in reverence to the Father, with ears WIDE open to hear the call He has on our lives, and be willing to step out in faith and preach the Gospel in every opportunity He gives us. I Love your heart for the Jewish people, and of course, Love Paul's heart for his people, and of course, Love God's heart for His Israelite people, and for all of us gentiles who have been welcomed into the family, to be grafted into the tree. May His word continue to go forth, especially in these troubling times. May His word be fulfilled, and may all Israel be saved, soon, and in our days. Amen.


Excellent study!!!! I truely understand better. Thank you so much for this complete study of Romans


Oh, my goodness, as if what Mike preaches regularly isn't good stuff, thus sermon ROCKED! Soooo many incredible sound bites and snippets that I can pocket and take with me, but also, an INCREDIBLE OVERALL sermon. I LOVE what you are saying from 34:05-35:15 BEAUTIFUL, so beautiful and passionately communicated. Thank you for your sermons and for your service to humanity and our Lord Jesus Christ. ❤️🙏✝️


You seem to be one of the few people on you tube that actually isn't crazy. , remind me alot of my pastor Chad at Orchard church. Thanks for being normal.


Street preaching is so important, you can choose whether or not to go to church, but with open-air preaching, you can't avoid it. It is bold, and it may seem confrontational, but that's what gets people to listen to the Scripture. Many do believe in work salvation rather than faith before works, but for the most part, they are amazing in what they do, and lord willing I can do open-air preaching as well.


Your wisdom shines through when you say the sharing of the gospel is not necessarily a church event (I put church in lower case on purpose). May the Lord continue to bless you.


You are Good!! Thank you for your time, service, and hard work!! And a special thank you to Mrs. Winger. I know she has made sacrafices, too. May God continue to Bless You both, daily!


I find that GOD'S WORD truly comforts me! I am absolutely in awe of what GOD has done for me, wretched creature that I was until I truly Knew JESUS and His wonderful Love for all of us! How on earth can anyone reject His tremendous love for us is beyond me! GOD Bless you brother Mike and keep up the Good Work of GOD'S Work for you to do up! Love from your sister in Christ, Julie


I agree that’s why I’m so drawn to apologetics. I turned my back on God because I thought the childlike perception of God that I had was it and I had outgrown it as I grew up. I stopped believing in God just as I stoped believing in Santa. Apologetics opened my eyes to a deeper understanding of Christanity/God.


With great knowledge comes great accountability


Even though I don't feel that open air preaching is effective in the modern American culture (especially on college campuses), it isn't something that I can come against. I would never tell someone to stop doing so.


At least they do it. I know people who do it in Paris, they say " Jesus loves you" to everybody. I am not sure " Jesus loves you" is the real gospel, but at least, they go, and dare to do it, happy they are to obey Christ.


Word of Faith theology uses "faith comes by hearing the Word" (end emphasize hearing and hearing, repeatedly) to say take a verse you want and repeat it, post it, read it, etc over and over until you have confidence it will come true. Having left such false theology this year, I know that is wrong, but, thanks Mike, I think I better understand the verse now. It's not hearing and rehearing one verse or theme (that's more either vain repetition or even witchcraft depending on the motivation) rather, hearing the Word is to hear the whole counsel of God, if you want more faith, hear the Word, the Word wholeistically, the whole story, and in gaining fuller understanding you again stronger faith in the God who planned it all. (which doesnt equal more prayers answered, although understanding Gods will in accord with His word might produce more prayers in line with the Word, which is the kind of prayer God says he answers)
