Lawrence Krauss - Does God Mix with Science?

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Clearly, religion must speak with science: if religion claims to be an approach to the entirety of existence, then it must embed the discoveries and insights of science. Religion, at its own risk, ignores science. But religion can use the beauty of mathematics and the cosmos, the remarkable structure and intelligibility of our world, to corroborate God.

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He's getting better over the years. It's great he realised the limitations of the Scientific Method.


2:34 "I'm _always_ hesitant to make absolute statements..."


Wow, Lawrence was very different in this interview.


God and science are two different, separated studies. One that is speculation and the other is inclined with questions, scientific experiment and cognitive reasoning with FACTS! Maybe there is a god, BUT, not the god that religion have dictated for many years!


It's not that 'Science is not the only way of knowing.' It's that there are other fields of study, of interest, to humans other than physics. Applying the rational methods of physics that have been so successful to, say, economics or sociology are a lot harder. It is not, In my opinion, 'other ways of knowing'.


Is there an area that is beyond the investigative methods of science? A better question in my mind is Is there an area that is beyond the investigative methods of rationality? Or is the thinking, science is the only rationality?


Does the supernatural mix with the natural? That is, Is the world natural (all natural) or is the world supernatural (all supernatural), or is it a combination of the two? Now if it is a combination of the two, what is the relationship between the two?


'Why is it that most scientists don't believe in miracles?'


Ok "before science everything was a miracle"... Still miraculous to me.


I don’t agree with him. I think it’s more accurate to say there are things that are not currently within the realms of science because we don’t yet have the means to test them. But in reality, everything, every single thing that exists is science.


"There's no evidence that we need anything other than the laws of physics and the other laws of science to explain everything we see" - Krauss

Does Krauss assume that the laws of physics have some sort of Platonic existence? If not then his statement is meaningless. If so he gives no reason for this assumption.


If there was a god then the mustache of that interviewer would not be allowed to continue.


what gave us the knowledge to know that all we physically need is the laws of physics? god.


God does mix with science. For instance, try reading THE URANTIA BOOK. Think of it not as science fiction, but as pious fiction, a nod to Plato on that one. If you go on the internet to the websites of the Urantia Book fellowship or foundation, and search on the term "science" you will begin to see a major amount of input on the subject.
Also, and I mean this as charitably as possible, if you don't end up with God in a whole bunch of your equations, you haven't thought through the subject enough, you haven't collected enough data, and you are actually deaf, dumb and blind, or pretending to be.
Good luck.


There are two institutions to observe.
In one, belief in god is at 90%..
In the other..belief is at 10%..
One is .prison. The other is college..
Which is which?


Would it surprise anyone to hear that some people find science spiritual?


I'd say most non-believers are just indifferent about god.


Science has only identified 5% of the matter in the Universe. What if a person only knew 5% of their profession.


Once the supernatural can be observed by the scientific method, I'll 'believe', until then I guess I'm on my own.. Lol


1) Krauss comes from the group that wants "one free miracle" and they think they can explain the rest. It just begs the question. The universe coming from nothing is not science, it is a belief system.
2) Math and physics are only ways to describe what we see. The universe churns along regardless of what language we use to try to describe it. The irony is study of science is, in fact, the study of the creation from only a narrow view angle. Concept like PI exists as a universal concept long before we had a language to describe it.
3) Most materialists are now realizing that at the lowest level, there is only information. Information cannot create itself. Randomization is the enemy of information.
4) Saying that creation is not testable is not true. It is only true for those that don't wish to pursue tests.
5) The larger consciousness system is rich with things to figure out and test. The veil itself must be testable as it has one side in the "material" and other side in the non-material.
