10 Things I Don't Spend Money On / Saving Money, Frugality & Minimalism / Things I Don't Buy 💸

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My family has been on a journey to embrace a more minimalist lifestyle, save money and work toward reaching financial independence. Throughout our journey we cut back on a LOT of expenses especially while we were focusing on Dave Ramsey's Baby Steps and getting out of debt...here are 10 things we don't spend money on anymore!

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#frugalliving #minimalism #debtfreecommunity #thingsIdontbuy

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*Good morning, thanks for watching! Let me know some of the things you don't spend money on!*


I have definitely taken “the big purse” to the movies a few times. 😂


I usually don't like and comment but I wanna start supporting youtubers. I usually play your videos while doing medical charting or chores and it's been inspiring. You're doing a great job!


You mentioned something that surprised me and this let's me know you are supportive and open minded. I appreciate your suggestions and I know you are sincere. For this, I have subscribed and will support you. Thank you for sharing.


Never spend money on. Movies that are not in theatres. I get them at library. So can't wait for libraries to open again!


Filing your own taxes every year as opposed to using tax centers saves a lot of money


I love all of these and I definitely bring my own snacks to the movies lol


We save on cut the cable, bundle your Cel and internet and always shop around, cook in bulk ground beef and chicken freeze there are many videos on these and as needed always label and date. The snacks to the movies 😊.
Thank you for your advice. I will add them to my frugal lifestyle.


I volunteer for a small community theatre. Movie companies demand a minium amount of the ticket sales usually 60-70% plus a minimum charge. This means the only way we can stay open is selling popcorn. We depend on our patrons spending a little more on their candy. Just a thought.


When I was a kid my mom used to make pop corn at home and put it in small bags to bring to the movies. Not only it was waaaay cheaper, but much healthier and delicious. I have such good memories not only of us eating the pop corn, but also of making it! It was a win win. I will do it for my future kids too!!!


I love your channel! We do the same with bringing our own candy and snacks to the movies. 🤣


We don't buy expensive alcohol if we buy alcohol. I know people spend $40 for a name brand bottle of whiskey and then mix it with coke or orange juice. That is crazy. A bottle of Vodka that cost $12 will make the same screwdriver as the $40 Vodka. We don't drink often but when we do we buy cheap booze.


I agree about learning to do any repair work online. My husband does it quite frequently.


You do so of the same things we do. We even have an antenna on our roof to get 30 free over the air channels. People act surprised when they find out you can still get television stations with an antenna and better picture quality. We do the same at movies, but I think we can go two hours watching a movie without eating expensive junk food. We go early afternoon after we eat lunch. Hubby does home repairs, upgrades, maintains vehicles changing oil, air filters and maintenance of tools and equipment, changing belts, sharpening blades, as well as knives, shears and other tools. He also keeps the thermostat at 62 in the winter and tells me to put on a fleece, plus shutting off lights when you are not in the room and no 45 minute showers. I get my hair cut every couple months and my two teen boys get their haircuts every three weeks by hubby, a major savings, as he is really good and I get asks who cuts my hair and where I take my boys. We are very picky about our hair, so if the haircuts were not great, we definitely would not be doing them. We have a garden, fruit trees, berry bushes and fresh vegetables in the summer/fall that we freeze and can. We are old school frugal.


I always take a snack to the movies. Once I took my little granddaughters, we sat at the back and one dropped her little thermos which rolled very noisily down about 10 rows. My husband and I take our own cups and cream and ice, go to Starbucks and order a trenta iced coffee with no ice or sugar, pour it into our cups and drive away having only spent $3.95 . I like more cream and ice so we fill up two cups that I washed from another time. Cheap or thrifty I’m not sure.


I may be able to fit a full bottle of wine in my purse for movies 😜


Lol no shame in your game I take my own snacks to the movies too and yes they are from the dollar store.


We canceled our Amazon Prime membership back in February and actually save a ton of money. Not only do we save the cost of the membership, but also save on the all "impulse" and "lazy" purchases I would make on Prime when I could usually get a better deal by actually going to a store and buying the item. When we had Prime, I would hop on all the time to buy things like laundry soap and cat litter and dish detergent...things we need but also things that generally are cheaper when purchased from a store. I do a lot of buy online and pick up in store and then will run by Lowes or Walmart when I drop kids off at activities near those stores, so I'm not spending extra gas. Plus, I just buy less overall....having to go to a store makes me think harder about what I buy.


We got an extended warranty on my 2014 Ford Explorer thank God! Boy did that one pay off!


Oh my goodness! we always take a big purse to the movie theatre! <3
