The ASTRONOMICAL Cost of a Cirrus Parachute Replacement! (12 Month Nightmare)

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Well... Our cheap Cirrus SR20 is getting more and more expensive! FINALLY the plane is back from getting the parachute repacked! In this video we pick it up, fly it home, and break down the total cost for the service. We bought this plane sight unseen and flew it 1,500 miles home. Then it immediately broke and was down for 15 months! Then it was down again and again. Is all the bad lucky behind us now? I hope so, we really want to get flight training in it, since it is one of the best training airplanes you can buy!

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PLEASE NOTE: We are aviation enthusiasts. These videos are for entertainment purposes only. We are NOT qualified to give flying instruction. All of our videos, including this one, have been significantly edited down from the original full length raw footage. Many radio calls, checklist steps, and other procedures have been omitted to keep the videos a reasonable viewing length. Please speak to a CFI with any flying questions you may have.
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Its funny how JR cant fly by himself yet, its hilarious seeing his CFI doing everything for him


The more I hear of these repair prices, I’m glad I chose experimental


Thanks for reminding me why I no longer own an airplane... They don't $100 - $200 you to death, they $10, 000 - $20, 000 you to death... These days I rent / lease when I need an aircraft for travel and I let someone else pay for the squawks...


Check your seatbelt. You’re wearing it wrong.


And this is one of the primary reasons why GA is not attractive to most people. Patchwork planes, such as this one, are just not affordable to keep in the air. If you want a new cirrus, that'll set you back about a million, and in 5 or 6 years when "things start needing to be replaced, " people dump them. My brother-in-law had a G6 SR22T for about 4 years (bought it new), and peddled it for a sizeable loss for this reason. Those few cross-country trips he made in it cost him about $20k each time. He could have chartered a G650 for that kind of money. GA is just a non-starter for most people. Sure, it's cool to be a pilot and all, but....


having to cut and repaint fiberglass as part of ongoing maintenance is peak US engineering


Dude, you need to have someone show you the right way to belt in! Look at yours then look at you CFI!


I would remind the people in the comments that are being tough on this guy that it is his journey and he can be a student as long as he likes. In my opinion he is a very knowledgeable student, how is that ever a bad thing?


I once heard that owning a sailboat is like standing in the shower tearing up dollar bills. Owning a light aircraft had the possibility to empty your bank balance quicker than you can replenish the funds. If it floats or fly's perhaps best to just rent if funds are a thing.


Man, I'd just like to be able to find an affordable 172 again.


GA is on a death spiral. It's far too expensive.


I agree the parachute and Cirrus prices make it sure that I'll never buy a Cirrus.


That Cirrus at 24:33…I was on the Regal Princess on the one year anniversary of that plane going down in the Turks and Caicos. The Regal Princess was the closest vessel to the site and rescued the two pilots. They invited them back one year later for a free cruise to celebrate the rescue. The pilots conducted a Q and A during the cruise. Sadly, the airplane sank in almost 20, 000 feet of water.


The editor on these videos deserves kudos. Kudos to you for always making me laugh with the movie clips!!!


Bang saw this on insta and knew it was coming today! Love this plane boys


Get your license, and learn to put your belt on.


Enjoying your videos, and I can state that I will probably never own an airplane as I don’t have any money to show! OUCH! Really appreciate you breaking everything down, you learned a lot and I have as well. You never know what you’re getting into until you actually crack the nut. Some are good, some not so good. Keep the airspeed up and finish your license (if you haven’t already).


I went thru the same thing with an old Cessna.... I totally get it. The good news is for me the cost is beginning to drop dramatically. Hang in there!


Love the content....I know you are busy....wish you could upload more often....very inspiring.... .


When are you guys getting your pilot license?
