Wirefeeding Expectation vs Reality

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"When that helmet drops you're a little bit in a different world."
Very poetic and true.


Thank you for turning this video fragment into a short.
I always thought it was a great piece of visual support and having it easily accessible in short form is very helpful.


One of my favorite things about welding is exactly what you described. All other thoughts disappear and its just me and the weld


All these years Ive learned more about different types of welding many I will never have the luxury of trying but what I have learned you are greatly responsible for and I'm proud of it. This video is the perfect example of leading by example you noticed something different in your techniques when applied to the real world and put it out there 👏 yes things do change especially in the field I can lay some beautiful beads in perfect situations but honestly once it goes hot and your in awkward situations you gotta adjust on the fly. I'm definitely not a welder I've watched pipeliners weld in horrible conditions and watched how they adapt I've even had the luxury of looking at NDE film of all sorts of welds and the issues. Welding is a artform in everystyle each having its own difficulties. I appreciate your videos


Very good advice. Crazy what you can learn from the guys that do it the best! Ty!


I believe that's called a flow-state. When you aren't thinking and just acting based on muscle memory and focus.


Not just welding. I teach the way I think I'm doing it, but actually it's not some times. Amazing. Years of muscle memory outperforms the brain memory as we get older. Great short from the great Jody...


I have no idea what I'm doing, but I get it in there. 😂


I knew a man who did it with an electrode, I tried it and the whole company came to see me, I couldn't do it, it always sticks. He was a very old man.


“Different world” “zone out”. He means high on fumes fellas. Wear your respirator always. Protect yourself from fumes and heavy metals. Develop a healthy fear to it. And study the effects that the fumes and heavy metals and fumes have on your mind and body to have a better understanding on how to protect yourself and what to expect in the future. Health always comes first. Best of luck in your careers.


I see people teaching/demonstrating do something different from what they said all the time lol

So much of this stuff is learn by doing 10, 000 times and trying to avoid the things that dont work as well and do what works well more and often we arent conscious of that entire process and the tiny difference.
