DREAM ABOUT DEMONS - Evangelist Joshua Orekhie

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#DreamaboutDemons #EvangelistJoshuaTV

The appearance of demons in your dream generates fear, threat, loss of control. Dream about demons is really a bad omen. Whenever you see enemy in the realm of the spirit, the first feeling you will observe is instability. Second, you will be feeling of the possible damaged it might have caused. Satan has no good agenda but to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10).

Obviously, there are lots of Christians that dream about demons in various capacities and their lives have never been the same again. Ranging from shame to sorrow, from failure to delay, from loss to poverty, from trouble to chronic illness etc. If the demon is attacking you frequently, it may mean that you are about to lose something important to you.

It might be health, money, marriage, ministry, career, joy, position, womb (babies). The enemy has used this dream to cause more people to labour in the areas of prayer and fasting.

An area where you pray and there is no significant results. If you continue to experience demons in your dream, then such an activity symbolizes your closeness to the point of your breakthrough where enemies are waiting to scatter your expectations and blessings.

Your dream about demons might also be telling you that you have enemies who are planning to kill you or plot for your downfall soon. When dreaming about demons also put into quick consideration the purpose behind their operation.If they are actually pursuing you or not.

Some dreams about demons might indicates warfare battle. It is an indication of preparing you for spiritual warfare ahead. If you stand upon the word of God, be rest assured they will flee. The Bible says, the Lord will fight for you and you shall hold peace in Jesus name.

On the other hand, your dream about demons attacking you. It may be something much deeper. For instance, it could be telling you of a person trying to betray or conspire against you. Praying through God's words, is a powerful weapon against the forces of evil.

However, if you see yourself being surrounded by demons, it means the hosts of witchcraft has arrested you. If you make serious efforts to get your way out but no ways, it indicates serious restrictions. Are you under a spiritual attack right now? If you are, then these Bible verses are for you. Col 1:13-14, Luke 10:19, Eph 6:12-13, 1 Peter 5:8, 2 Cor 10:3-5.

To see a demon in your dream doesn't necessarily mean you will encounter evil spirit in your waking life. Their symbolic meaning is connected to threat, misfortunes and unsafe. So, if your dreams often include you defeated by demons, it might be time to examine what is causing you to lose power and authority over your enemies of your soul.

If you are a believer going for evangelism or perhaps you are binding and casting our demons in a person in the dream, this indicates you dealing with strongman (2 Cor 10:4). In this case, the demons represent agents of marine assigned to stop, hinder and hijack your anointing. In whatever way is your dream about devils, you need to embark on 7 days prayers and fasting.

Other dream symbols.

1. If you see a person turning a demon, it indicates witchcraft attack against you. Be very vigilant and prayerful. Be mindful of the type of people you keep close to you.
2. If you dream of chasing demons, it means God is fighting your battles.
3. If you dream of having sex with a demon, it is a reflection of you having a spirit spouse. Alternatively, it could also means you are trying to marry a possessed person.
4. If you see demon in your house, it means the beginning of trouble and sorrow.
5. If you dream of demons gathered under a tree, it shows the enemies are talking evil about you. They are trying to monitor and shoot arrows at you. Be prayerful please.
6. If you dream of demons following you, that's a monitoring spirit.
7. If you dream of demon riding you in a car, bus, it means you are not in charge of your life and destiny.
8. If you dream of eating with demons, it indicates bewitchment, sickness and constant setbacks.
9. If you dream of evil spirit talking to you, it means you are listening to the voice of witchcraft.
10. If you dream that demon is pressing you down, it indicates the spirit of death and sickness.
11. If you dream of your maid being a demon, it means the agent of witchcraft is using her to scatter somethings in the marriage. You need to take her out if you are not feeling safe with her.
12. If you dream of killing a demon, it means some evil arrows have gone out of you.


1. Every power, that says I will die in hardship, die, in Jesus name
2. Invisible barricades, stagnating my goals, scatter, in Jesus name.
3. Every battle of my father’s house, saying I will not get to the top, die, in Jesus name
4. Messages of evil workers against me, receive memory loss, in Jesus name.

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I dreamt of an actual demon that tried to cause an accident but in the dream I pulled out my sword .. yelled no weapon formed against me shall prosper at it and the demon ran away scared and crying in the dream. The word of God is a WEAPON .. along with the name JESUS .. use it guys!!! The enemy must flee


I always dream about them I write about it in my notes but I always command them out in my dream but it’s an attack but my God is stronger


I dream about rebuking demons all the time... and I always triumph over them


Months ago, I dreamt of demons in my family house where I was with my siblings buy glory to God in that dream I defeated the demon. Like smaller demons came but they later went to call the master demons whom I defeated as the smaller ones watched until it disappears. I thank God for Victories in my dreams. I've never been defeated in my dream but I do have attacks where I come out victorious. The blood of Jesus is always standing for me.


I pray against evil monitoring spirits and deceptions. I cancel all your assignments in Jesus name Amen.


I testify. Within the dream I pray the Holy Father. Not conciously, but more like a reflex. It has never failed to chase demons away. If you don't see yourself praying within the dream, pray before going to bed. "Clean the room", a teacher once told me.


Transparent devil appeared before me in my dream and I couldn’t move or speak. I knew what was going to happen before the devil moved to attack me. he took something that looked long and sharp and went to pierce my left side. I felt the pressure on my ribs and felt my body sinking into the couch. I tried to rebuke him with my mouth and couldn’t. In my mind I stirred up the strength to say “I rebuke you satan” and the thought was blocked. So I fought the blockage and yelled “GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT!” And the third time my mind said it the words came out of my mouth and I woke up. When I woke up I told satan he was a coward to attack me while I sleep and I rebuked all spirits of fear! I won’t claim emotions of fear because I’m not afraid of you! And I feel peace.


Wow interesting I’m calling on the blood of Jesus Christ almighty.


thank u so much pastor been struggling with demons attacking me in my sleep I have been watching and learning from u may God almighty bless your tv station Amen🙏


I dreamt of a demon trying to harm me while I was in bed but was moving closer and closer from a distance and then I shouted in jesus name go away and it dissapeared and I woke up in shock praise jesus, in jesus name Amen


I'm blessed and Free from Demonic Attacks in Jesus Christ Name I destroy them, no weapon Jesus !


I have been under demonic attack for years. I just had a dream where I was in church and the pastor detected a demon in someone and they brought that person to me and he was a very dark baby. I took it away and found myself in a dry field somewhere surrounded with fields and forest all around. Then I was fighting with that child hand to hand trying to put it down and casting out the devil in it In Jesus name and by the blood of Jesus. It was resisting and I said “ It is written and quoted Revelation 12:11. It was wondering if this demon will come out but kept casting it out anyway. Then to my amazement the dark child disappeared and looked around, couldn’t see it but as I looked down the hill a few yards away from me I saw a big fat wild cat walking way to the left. I was disgusted by it and it looked scary. It didn’t look my way, it continued to walk away and I woke up.


i love this new sound Apostle, the other one used to scare me.


I always dreamt about demons change into my step, one day I had adream of demons trying to eat, this night I almost passed away because I had a dream of fighting with demons ...I was with a lot of people trapped in a terrible place ... Some were eaten ...and a few of us were left ... Then we were going through another stage then a naked woman pointed at me and some two that she wanted to help us escape ...then for God's mercy I woke up alive today ...I almost died


I dreamt about someone I know being posessed I saw it in their face. I ran over to give deliverance in pride to show everyone how to do deliverance. And when I got there she was already delivered but I felt the power come over me. And it started choking me. I tried to scream to God for help. But I couldn’t. I asked everyone to pray for me But I couldn’t get the words out. And when I felt like I couldn’t breath anymore I woke up.


I had several dreams about demons but the funny thing is I pray against them and defeat them..I even quote bible versus that I have never read, ,I don't know how it happens but I'm never scared in the dreams and it surprises me..The most recent dream shocked me tho, , you wont believe it was about my neighbour who was trying to turn me into a snake and recruit me into some cult..Jesus, , pray for me guys


I just had a demon dream in a long time as a Christian who is no longer lukewarm and trying to study God’s Word more. In the dream a few friends and I saw famous ppl riding their motorbikes & some friends can see demons attached to the famous ppl & they were scared. I said i couldn’t see the demons but i think i told my friends the demons have no power since God is at work. Something like that. Then while talking with one friend, i can spot a demon in a corner several distances away but the demon later disappeared. Then I woke up.


I declare my deliverance in Jesus name Amen 🙏


When you dream of a madman in a dresm attacking you and you defeated him

When you dream of spirits chasing you and asking you to give them money and you refused.

When you have oranges jn your dream and you gave out some.

When you always see yourself in a particular road and church that you used to know as a child.

When you always see familiar spirits in your dream.

Pls man of God help for my dream is always full of attacks


You are the best blessing in this corona period. I have searched all of you tube for such clear true teachings like yours to no avail. May God continue to bless you and keep you healthy strong and of sound mind to continue ministering to us. Thank you
