8 Reasons Why Sigma Males Stay SINGLE

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From his intelligence to his ambition and rebellious nature, the sigma male is undeniably enigmatic. He’s not the type of guy you can predict, or totally understand – he belongs to a category of male that sits outside of the social hierarchy so he doesn’t act in a way that society expects of him, and that’s just as true when it comes to dating and relationships. Finding a partner or someone to settle down with is a high priority for many single people. It’s just the norm; what we have been taught is the normal way of life and what people decide they want or need to have. Whether this desire is genuine or they have somewhat been ‘coerced’ into it through some form of social conditioning is another issue – but this doesn’t affect the sigma male. In fact, he feels completely the opposite. And in this video we’ll be looking at eight reasons the sigma male tends to stay single.

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#sigmamales #singlesigma #stayingsingle

Bloke Box is a channel for sigma males providing honest guidance and practical wisdom for sigmas who have the drive to invest in personal growth, improve their mental health and strive to achieve success and knowledge for a happier life. We offer life coaching and give advice tailored to sigma males in our explainer videos where real talk is king. Come and join us to discover your inner sigma!

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This explains me perfectly, I love my solitude and freedom but others always feel sorry for me or look at me with suspicion. It gets very frustrating sometimes.


I would say 'stay single until you meet the one that is THE one'. Of course that could take several lifetimes...


Sigma males aren't afraid of relationships, they're just super choosy. A needy or manipulative partner needs not to be with a Sigma.


This video reflects all the things I have thought about relationships. I'm 39, single, and I have never been in a relationship. However, at this point, I don't want to have a partner because I'm not willing to give up on my personal freedom and development.


Sigmas don't mind confrontation if it has to happen. What we DON'T like is fighting with people we love.


The most important relationship we have is the one with ourselves - f*ck*n' "A", man, this vid is golden.


I've traveled to the lower 48 and 25 countries. Many romantic relationships. I tend to be on a project for a limited time. I put it strait out that I may not be here in a year. I've told girls I've loved that this is probably temporary. Problem is that I attract bipolar chicks and obsessive chicks. I don't see a point in the drama.


When I am alone, it is quite sufficient. And when I am with others, it makes no difference. - Ram Dass


I think there are sigma's out there willing to compromise in regards to plans and as far as countability is concerned, Sigma's are logical thinkers and can realize that a marriage is not all about them. You can't forget that a Sigma has a strong sense of moral duty, this is a overriding factor when it comes to marriage which is a lifetime commitment.


The Red Pill and Single Life for the W Fellas …. 🙏🏿


Well, being single forever is actually kinda shitty; even more so when you know what it's like to have had a true, genuine connection with someone.
But that's also kinda the point. If it's not also a sigma female to form a relationship with, no other type of woman will do.


This is scary accurate. Describes me perfectly.


If a Sigma male marries a I.N.F.J. women, he'll never have a problem with personal space because she'll want the same. There... I solved the marriage conundrum for all sigma's.


Glad i found this, keep up the great work every day


As a sigma male, who has 3 relationships that the 1st one ended well (who's another Sigma male. And yes I'm gay) we had to compromise a lot of stuff and at that time and we both feel overwhelmed by each other's prescence. And yes, we do value each other's privacy and alone time, but we tend to seek out each other back and we kept a small circle of trusted friends during our relationship. Yeah, we had arguments, fights, and disagreements but at the end of the day, we learn to value one another's worth and we were able to keep each other until that time when we really needed to go separate ways. My other 2 relationships were definitely cut short (less than a year) and I'd say we never really came to an agreement or middle ground.

I still go out for dates, have fun and even had a fling or two. But never a serious relationship. I don't mind being single and I'm actually happy about it. But of course, I am still open to the possibility of getting to another relationship. However, at the end of the day, if I feel that there's nothing to look forward too nor if I don't see myself with that person in the near or even far future, then it's not gonna be worth spending my time or even effort to invest with that person.


You must be a mind reader that me up and down thanks keep them coming


And here I just thought I had abandonment issues.


Well since no one wants me I might as well accept and work on myself


When is the book on us coming out? Lol 😂 I’d like to be the first to purchase it!


Sigmas understand that their freedom and achieving their goals is far better than wasting time in relationships with narcissist and self-entitled western modern women
