Are the following functions Lipschitz continuous on the indicated sets Incidentally, all of these ex

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Are the following functions Lipschitz continuous on the indicated sets? (Incidentally, all of these examples are scalar-valued functions; vector-valued functions would not pose any additional difficulties except for the need to examine more components.)

1/(1+2) on the interval [-1,1]?
On [-∞,-1]?
2√(1+x) on the interval [-1,1]?
On [-∞,-1]?
(2x + 1)^(1/3) on the interval [-1,1]?
On [-∞,-1]?
sin(x) on the interval [-1,1]?
On [-∞,-1]?
sin(1 - x) on the interval [-1,1]?
On [-∞,-1]?
x^2 + y^2 on the square {x |
On R^2?

Hint: Observe that the function is the composition of 1/(1+2) with the absolute value function. Show that the composition of two Lipschitz functions is Lipschitz continuous. Thus, x^2 + y^2 is Lipschitz on the indicated set if 1 + y^2 is.
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