3 Minute Soraka Guide - A Guide for League of Legends

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Got 3 minutes spare? Why not take a quick look at how to play Soraka Support!

Soraka is unique as a champion being a pure healer! Her ability to keep all her team mates alive and healthy is incredibly valuable to any team!

0:00 Why Play Soraka?
0:14 Soraka's Abilities
1:08 Combos
1:14 Match Ups
1:22 Runes
1:25 Build Order
1:34 Skill Order
1:38 Summoners
1:41 Synergies
1:46 Lane Phase
2:30 Mid/Late Game

In this video we learn how to (CARRY EVERY GAME) HOW TO SORAKA SUPPORT 1V9 EVERY GAME IN SEASON 12 | SORAKA GUIDE where we see How an UNBEATABLE SORAKA MID got GRANDMASTER and we learn How to Play Soraka & ACTUALLY CARRY for Beginners Season 12 | Soraka Guide S12 League of Legends we go into SEASON 12 (2022) - Soraka Support Guide - Runes, Items, Abilities & Combos
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Some more tip:
+ when you have 5 point in W (or even 4 if you have enough AH), you can W 2 times without losing health.
+ remember Soraka can be a lane bully in early game, she is really strong level 1 so be confident and poke your Enemy with your Q.
+ when you hit your Q, don't W yet, cause your Q's passive need time to travel and proc, if you W before Q passive proc, you still lose your health (but in some case you don't have to wait when your teamate about to die)
+ Soraka isn't good against burst dmg.


Thank you for mentioning the adc synergies it’s really helpful! :D


Effective use of E can sometimes feel like the hardest part of her kit but what's most important is not to worry about getting off the root and instead think more about the Silence. Think about when and where a enemy is going to try to use skills and you'll get more use out of it.

For example if you're fighting a Tristana and you see her jumping towards your ADC, place the Silence where she will land and she will be in an awkward spot where she now has no mobility and can't use her abilities.


Today I Played A LOT of Viktor support. It was so awsome that it has to become a new meta


You haven't done Warwick or Taliyah guides in a while. Both are great junglers!


Will you ever put visuals for the combos part? for example the Q-> E -> AA?


Day 42 of asking for lissandra support


Personally i find guardian to be better on soraka, keeps you safe in early game
