Searching for Sustainable Health Systems | Professor James Barlow | TEDxMoorgate

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Current resources are not sufficient to cope with the rising number of diseases associated with obesity and poor nutrition. As technology develops, healthcare infrastructure must become simpler, smaller, cheaper and more distributed. We need to focus on shifting certain treatments and care from hospitals to the local community and patients should have access to cheaper health workers. Professor Barlow shows us why this is important and how we can improve the system.

Professor James Barlow works on innovation in healthcare systems. He wants to improve the way we create and adopt complex healthcare innovations which embrace new technology, infrastructure and services. He is acutely aware of the limits of innovation in healthcare and the need to be realistic about what it can achieve. James has been a Professor of Technology and Innovation Management at Imperial College Business School since 2003, where he combines research, teaching and consulting with collaborators around the world. He is also an Associate Director at Imperial College Health Partners, helping to embed innovations into everyday practice in London. Since 2015 he has been President of the International Academy for Design and Health. James has led many research projects and has published widely.

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