Julieta Daza: US Military Actions in Colombia, Venezuela, and Beyond

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The 4th International Congress against Military Bases and Wars was held on 25 September 2020 as a hybrid online-offline event due to the Covid-19 pandemic. More than 20 people were present in Berlin and more than 30 online to discuss the current state of military bases around the world and what actions must be taken to combat the growing trends of militarism, confrontation, environmental degradation, and more.

Julieta Daza is a member of Juventud Rebelde Colombia and a political and social activist living in Venezuela after fleeing political persecution in Colombia. She shares her personal experiences as well as commenting on the US military and political influence on the ongoing civil war in Colombia and US provocations against Venezuela, including military bases in many surrounding countries.

The Congress is organized by the Stopp Air Base Ramstein campaign, with participation and support from the European Left, the International Peace Bureau (IPB), and the No to war – no to NATO coalition.

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