Shepherds Timing!

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Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. We have an exciting one for you all again today! There's been so much talk lately about this season and time that is now upon us, being The Time! The time of the Escape of the Bride of Christ. So I thought I would put together a video with all it's connections and bring even greater clarity to the best of my ability... to the timeframe of the birth of Christ! And why it matters so much to this ministry?
We have the revelations and have understood, that the 40 days of the Son of man WILL BE connected to His birth... and will begin with the Escape of the Bride.
I show today beyond a doubt that the only time of year that Jesus could have been born... IS December!
You will learn that the Feast of Tabernacles isn't even possible as the time of His birth, which leaves us with only one 8th day remaining? And that 8th day, it would appear, had to come AFTER the Darkest day of the year! Which will prayerfully prove out to be, that the Hebrew calendar, was truly off by one month this year!
Because if not this year...

I pray it blesses you and gives you strength until:)

GOD bless, watch over, protect and comfort each of you and yours... until.

Or you can also Help Support the mission by going to our GoFundMe page at:


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GOD bless, comfort, strengthen and watch over you and yours always!
Be sober, ready and watching. For the time IS at hand!

I pray for us ALL and our families that We have our houses in Order and are ready to go! I truly love you all Brothers and Sisters and pray for you and all your families. I look forward to meeting you and yours, in moments from now:)

The 14 Year Tribulation Timeline Chart Overview. Link;

Opened Books the Chapters to Years. Link;

Israel is the time piece to the End Time Years! Link;

June 17, 2010 video telling of future events happening Now;

For all that are new to this ministry, I would first recommend watching; THE #1 Intro VIDEO, on Understanding the Coming END TIMES!

Please continue to support us in getting out the truth, Operation 14 Years. We want to get as many of these USB teachings out there as we can before it all begins. To ship them around the world. AND we would like to know which churches you'd like to see receive one of these packages. If you have a church leader or others in mind please give us their name as well as church address/ shipping info. ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD And please don't forget we ask for your prayers first and foremost. Thank you and GOD bless you and your families.

Our mailing Address: Alain Dubreuil
PO Box 91085 Royal Oak
Calgary, AB. Canada
T3G 5W6

Watch and pray always that we may be accounted worthy to escape All these things that shall come to pass upon the whole earth and to stand before the Son of man.
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Merry Christmas Everyone, if we are still here by then. 👃👃👑


January 6th 2022 will be the last day of Janukkah, be ready for the


WOW!...the first 2 and a half minutes of this video just made me realize that I'm not as different as I thought I was, with the path that we ALL apparently have been walking down, yet each at our own time as if alone when the entire time, we were all walking down it together... when we all started scratching our heads finding out that Christs birth might have been some complete other time altogether and that by celebrating on 25th with all the pagan parts that had been thrown in with the holiday, and then we thought that we should be willing to give up the coziest time of year for our Savior and that it would be, if nothing else but at least one more tiny think that we could do to show Him that we mean business in following Him...only to find out that we have came full circle and right back somehow to thinking that it could be this time of year after all. But still willing to change from the way the rest of the world celebrates it, and by doing our own little show of appreciation for Him. It's as if it was a mini journey that was necessary for some spiritual cleansing reason somehow.
This thought had popped in my mind over the last few years about a few things that I have came upon while on my spiritual journey of Finding God. Simple little things that would cause me to think that I was doing something that likely no one else had thought of...only to hear later in the comment section of a video that someone else had actually had or thought the exact same way about the situation that I had been in. It truly is a small world and we truly are being lead by The same Sirit, down the Same Path, to The Same Destination...To The Most High God. What a trip!!!


Yep. Gave up the tree decor several years ago as well. It seems so petty when I think about it in the grand scheme of things. I feel like we waste so much time doing things that don't matter, especially when we know what's going on around us, and how close we are to HIS return!🥰

I'd much rather spend time baking something, and sharing it with people.

Have a blessed Christmas everyone! ❄☃️

Luke 21:36


Thank you Brother!!! Love to all and Blessings in the name of our Blessed Hope JESUS CHRIST🙏❤🙏 See you all soon!


Merry Christmas to all keep the Christ in Christmas. 💓💓💓🌞🌞🌞


I always look forward to your teachings.


Love it❣ Absolutely Love it❣ Merry Merry Christmas Family❣ Come Lord Jesus❣🕎❄🎂🐑⌛👰‍♀🦁


There I was feeling sorry for you last week as it was -19 degrees, and it wasnt even winter!

Another great video Alain. Thankyou.


We know Alain is EXCITED when his voices goes up a whole octave!


What if Christmas was the day of the Escape of the Bride? Meaning, what if there was an exchange of gifts, Jesus brings us the gift of Salvation, and He receives His Bride as a gift, on Christmas Day, His Birthday, what a glorious day that would be!!!. Hallelujah to the Lamb of God!




Merry Christmas and see you all soon!! I didn’t even put up a tree but I did send out Christmas cards as far as to Vienna, Austria to a dear friend that hasn’t seen her husband since July of 2020. He had a stroke and no covid thank God. His name is Kurt hers is Inge. Their son is Kurti. She said they are all locked down !! No movies, no concerts, or plays!! No museums!! Her son orders the food from grocery stores! She has written her husband 366 letters. He was in the hospital then back to the Convalescent home!!! No one can go in or out!! She said they’ve never been separated like this. They have been married over 65 years! True Love !! I’ve talked to her about Christ and she said she believes in Jesus and that He died for all of us and rose on the third day and ascended into Heaven !! Please keep them in prayer! I’ve told her to listen to your you tube teachings but she doesn’t even have FB . I hope her Son does! He is a music teacher. Glory Be !! Amen 🙏


Maybe we can't pin the date of the birth because Christ is born in us at different moments in time.
For me Christ was born in me in sept 2017 and grew in me daily, it took until early 2021 to become fully His Spirit in me. To know Fully who He is.
Amazing Grace indeed


Hello fourteeners Hello family Hello bereans from Weed California.
No, I did not come for the weed. Lol


The day of this major feast in the Armenian Church is January 6th. A ceremony called “Blessing of Water” is conducted in the Armenian Church to commemorate Christ's Baptism. It is frequently asked as to why Armenians do not celebrate Christmas on December 25th with the rest of the world.


Go back to the Christmas you first knew... don’t let anything change who you are! Much love in Christ! The truth will come out in the end...Watch!


Ewes = sounds like the English letter "U" (as in the letter after T) ;) = ya-oo

Brother ... Ewe nailed it! ;)


Alain why did you kick me off the forum did I upset the apple cart by questioning scripture, I don't think I was wrong to point out that scripture indicates something you don't like I was honest and I tried to get your attention but you ignored the subject. Luke 3:7 the tribulation begins for the luke warm.


About Christs birth: seen a video one time that Rabi Jonathan Cahn, where he was explaining that all the sheep that were used as sacrifices had to come from Bethlehem which, according to him is why Joseph & Mary had to go there for Jesus to be born...did anyone else see that episode of Cahns? I think he was on the Dave Baker show when he explained it.
